I truly am curious about guys who advocate investing in commodities like metals. How is it a good idea to invest in metals when you get price-gouged when you buy and low-balled when you sell? Also, are you buying "paper commodities" like investing in funds or actually storing bars of gold and silver....???... Also, are you planning on trading silver coins for goods/services...???... I just don't get it.....
The best way to for guys to ensure their survival the next 5 years is to have a support network of family and friends, a stable job and a reliable mode of transportation.
It's becoming more difficult than ever for loner men to survive.
Strip clubs are trash and a complete waste of time and money. Trashy low tier women that get tipped and paid in vip way too much.
Precious metals hold their value pretty well especially in times of war or social unrest. Notice how Russia was stockpiling gold before this invasion.
The amount of inflation going on with fiat right now especially the USD makes holding metals a better option than fiat imo.
I don't own any metal but let's say i had 10 mil usd that i need to park somewhere. With the US dollar inflating 40 percent in the last two years, i am going to keep as little as possible in that. The rest would go into real estate, property, maybe some gold or silver and some bitcoin as well. Then keep one 10th of that total in fiat. I think it is a good idea to load up on guns and ammunition as well.
Precious metals, besides diamonds, and some cryptos have scarce supplies while fiat currencies do not. It's really as simple as that. Anything that can quickly grow in quantity like the dollar can quickly reduce in value as well hence rising prices everywhere this past year.