Yeah, sure, sometimes guys are a problem. They feel threatened, gonna play the protectionist, etc. I've sometimes winged other guys (though they never knew it), but it of course would be cool if some guy winged me without having met before or prearranged it.
I think guys in sets can be resources. Girls can be hesitating/on their marks, while you can connect with guys and become "bros" quickly, if you know how to work them. Voila. Now they have socially proofed you, and this can be useful if you're going solo.
This becomes easier if you're a bit "high value"; for instance, this Saturday a bartender complimented my clothing, another guy wanted to cheer, another guy networked (though I initiated), etc. I'm tired of the social hierarchies and status, but girls care about these things. It's probably their hypergamy, they use the social system for judging who has value.