I've done around 2,000 cold approaches all during the day. I don't do really do night cold-approaches as it does not fit with my lifestyle. I have had a few close encounters where I have almost gotten laid, but I still have yet to get laid from doing this. This hobby is incredibly time-consuming and for the number of approaches I've done I've gotten surprisingly few results. I would have never guessed cold-approach would be so difficult.
Most of the online dating gurus proclaiming that "if you follow my program, you can get 1 lay over every 30 approaches!" are straight-up lying. EVERY guy who I have talked to who approaches does not get laid on anything close to that frequency. Furthermore, I have tried most of the "big" techniques out there, and for the most part, no single technique produces greater results than any other technique, which are approximately no results.
Cold-approach has given me tremendous insight into women's nature, and the biggest insight I have gained is that most women are non-interested in men by default. The staggering amount of women who rejected me without even looking at me is astounding. It has nothing to do with my look, or anything else because most women will barely look at you and just reject you. Of course, there may be some cases where I'm not tall enough, not good looking enough, etc., but I actually feel that is pretty rare, given the fact women's knee-jerk reaction is to reject without even looking at you. It's almost comical at times how reactively they reject at times.
Anyway, I kind of see why dudes out there end up being a good cuck and marry a chick after she's ridden the carousel. Once they get a piece of strange they cling to it for dear life. I'm one of the .1 percent of dudes out there taking action, and I still have nothing to show for it.
Also, my photos have rated on photo-feeler 8.5, my fashion is fine, I'm a normal dude with a good job, well-groomed, yadda yadda. All the basics of what should lead me to success are covered. Just in case you were wondering.
Anyways, just thought I'd share my experience with this. If you are curious about cold-approach I definitely recommend it. If anything it's just fun to go up to a chick who you think is hot and tell her you think she's attractive, or if you want to be a cuck and be indirect you can go that route too.
If anyone else want to share their experience of daygame then feel free to.