I think that you disagree on driving because you haven't noticed the phenomenon. It's something I've noticed most of my adult life. The first thing smokers do when anxious is light up. Drivers after a hard day at work light up when driving home. We can speculate on the oral thing and all sorts of reasons why cigarettes relax smokers, but the bottom line is that smoking calms the nerves of those who reach for cigarettes when anxious.
If you make an effort to observe, you'll see that smokers who drive are in their own little world of relaxation. They are slow off the mark, drive very slowly, and make leisurely decisions when quick decisions are called for.
When it comes to tuna fish, I don't see a strong analogy. There are plenty of foods that I can't stand the smell of, but smoking is in a class by itself. It's not a food, but rather a source of combustion that travels extremely far.
Smokers just can't comprehend (because it's not in their self-interest) how offensive and disgusting that smoke is to non-smokers, and therefore they come up with all sorts of defenses about smoking.
But as for dating women, smoking has always been a complete deal-breaker for me. Who wants to hang out with a woman who stinks like a stale ashtray? Their breath stinks as does their hair and clothing.
Yes my friend but we have already established above that you’re a NAZI!!!!
fair enough, each to their own.
All I would ask is that you evaluate drivers in all circumstances. You may not be remembering the smokers who didn’t hold you up, as you clearly have a dislike of smoking in general so you may be experiencing a confirmation bias. It is not a widely acknowledged phenomenon. The rest of what you say is totally understandable, I can understand why people don’t like it.
i objectively don’t see the difference between a man eating a tuna or mackerel salad on the bus or smoking. It would make me retch and physically have to leave the bus. I don’t have the right to demand him to stop because it’s my hang up - not his. It’s inconsiderate yes, but it’s my own sensitivity. The words “man up, it won’t kill you” spring to mind. Being honest very few things actually p1ss me off that much.
As I say, I am not a smoker. I actually don’t want to be around cigarettes either.
I just don’t have a pathological hatred of it, which I must say seems a bit absurd.
I was vaping on the street once and an old couple got a whiff of a cherry flavoured cloud and they accosted me and I thought the guy was going to hit me.
I do think it’s actually more of a reason to be spiteful than a general dislike. It’s like a socially acceptable way people can be controlling and unpleasant to others over minor things.