That is bad. You are 6’4” and have big muscles. With that working in your favor, a woman who isn’t fat is acceptable to you. Ideally, you’d like someone with some level of fitness. That only makes sense from a lifestyle perspective.
In this situation, the best thing to do as soon as you realize there’s a previously unknown fatness issue is to leave immediately. Easier said than done.
The way to completely avoid this situation is to only arrange dates from in-person interactions. That’s one of the upsides of in-person interactions leading to dates.
That’s a common behavior from women who go on dates arranged via swipe app. These women seem apathetic and dull. When I first moved to my current city in the early 2010s, I noticed this and thought women in my city were quite apathetic. The reason I was associating women in my city with apathy is because much of my early interactions in the city were from online dating/swipe apps. The apathy is worst there because women are being chased for their vaginas by so many men that they don’t need to do anything to build their personalities. While I think bigger metro area women (I have lived in 2 of the 15 biggest metro areas since graduating college in the mid-2000s) tend to be more apathetic, the use of online dating/swipe apps is the biggest reason for the apathy. It would be a common scenario to be a younger woman in a bigger metro area not use swipe apps and still come off as apathetic/dull on dates.
@firstbornunicorn has a valid point. There is some amount of social ineptitude on among younger women. It started in the Millennial generation about 15 years ago, has gotten worse as social media/online dating technology has grown, and will likely continue with Gen Z. Gen Z members are turning 18 now at a rapid pace. A good portion of Gen Z is now 18-25.
A few years ago, my closest friend’s wife mentioned she’d never been approached at a grocery store before. I think this conversation happened a few months after their wedding. My friend and I had a difficult time believing this. She was likely approached but was so socially inept that she didn’t know how to process it as an approach. Additionally, even if some guy made it clear that he was into her appearance in the grocery store, she’d be awkward in the interaction.
Another friend has a long term girlfriend who is highly introverted and tends to come off as socially inept. I’ve only interacted with her at private residence parties. I can’t imagine how weird she’d be in an in-person approach setting, especially one in a non-bar setting.
These two women I’ve just described now are mid-30s Millennials who were not socially adept even 10 years ago.
It’s always better to do in-person approaching.
I like that we said the same thing in different words here.
This can happen, mainly in non-bar interactions. There would be women who wouldn’t want to be stopped in the grocery store pre-pandemic. Now, the grocery store is a mess for approaching due to masks and fear of COVID. Outdoor/street approaching often has these issues.
Outdoors, the bigger issue on walking/hiking paths is earbuds. Actually getting attention is a challenge. Most men get a ton of soft rejections outdoors because the women have earbuds in and are mostly oblivious to the world.