Not banging a chick


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2018
Reaction score
I matched with this girl on Bumble about six months a go, she was quite forward in her messaging. As it was late summer we went out and got a couple of beers. The date went pretty well, there was some escalation, and thus physical interaction. She held on to my hand with the firmest grip I've ever experianced from a female. Me thinking this is a good this I tried to get her home in which I might have been a bit overwhelming. She ghosted me a couple of days later.

So here I was, swiping along on tinder yesterday, saw her, swiped right and match. Again she was forward in her messaging, and she came over for dinner. We made pasta, drank some wine, and d!cked around on youtube. During said d!cking around I again escalated, and she seemed fine with me touching her but when I tried to kiss her, twice, I twice received the cheek of death. At around 2230 I'm thinking this isn't happening, so I'm like I've got to walk the dog and work tomorrow, trying to get her to leave. I still had half a bottle of wine I wanted to finish. She climbs on my lap, shoves her tits in my face. And down the escalation ladder we go, I got her naked, she's gripping my ****, I get up to get a condom. She's like, perhaps we should wait a bit. I didn't want to seem to thirsty so I said, sure, no problem. We fooled around a bit more and after a while she went home.

I think postponing a bit might pay dividends in the future. What's your take on situations like this?

The before mention bottle is now empty and I'm going to walk to dog. Thanks guys!


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
Reaction score
And down the escalation ladder we go, I got her naked, she's gripping my ****, I get up to get a condom. She's like, perhaps we should wait a bit. I didn't want to seem to thirsty so I said, sure, no problem. We fooled around a bit more and after a while she went home.
Did you try escalating to intercourse again?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
She's like, perhaps we should wait a bit. I didn't want to seem to thirsty so I said, sure, no problem. We fooled around a bit more and after a while she went home.
She didn’t mean that. Sounds like typical LMR/anti-slut defense and she probably expected you to plow though. Hate when women do that, especially in today’s climate….but that’s almost certainly what it was.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
I matched with this girl on Bumble about six months a go, she was quite forward in her messaging. As it was late summer we went out and got a couple of beers. The date went pretty well, there was some escalation, and thus physical interaction. She held on to my hand with the firmest grip I've ever experianced from a female. Me thinking this is a good this I tried to get her home in which I might have been a bit overwhelming. She ghosted me a couple of days later.

So here I was, swiping along on tinder yesterday, saw her, swiped right and match. Again she was forward in her messaging, and she came over for dinner. We made pasta, drank some wine, and d!cked around on youtube. During said d!cking around I again escalated, and she seemed fine with me touching her but when I tried to kiss her, twice, I twice received the cheek of death. At around 2230 I'm thinking this isn't happening, so I'm like I've got to walk the dog and work tomorrow, trying to get her to leave. I still had half a bottle of wine I wanted to finish. She climbs on my lap, shoves her tits in my face. And down the escalation ladder we go, I got her naked, she's gripping my ****, I get up to get a condom. She's like, perhaps we should wait a bit. I didn't want to seem to thirsty so I said, sure, no problem. We fooled around a bit more and after a while she went home.

I think postponing a bit might pay dividends in the future. What's your take on situations like this?

The before mention bottle is now empty and I'm going to walk to dog. Thanks guys!
My take on situations like these is always the same, it's either a sh*t test or she is still on the fence about you.

When a girl is 100% into you, she will give herself to you. She will submit, she will consent, with no hesitation. Simple. We all know this (hopefully).

The older you get, the less energy and desire you possess to "convince" a woman to be with you. She is either fully in or she is not. If she is not, there is the door. I have and always tell girls that, I literally point at the door.

Sounds like a tease. Let her come to you if she wants it, but for now, move on.

Modern Man Advice


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
My take on situations like these is always the same, it's either a sh*t test or she is still on the fence about you.

When a girl is 100% into you, she will give herself to you. She will submit, she will consent, with no hesitation. Simple. We all know this (hopefully).

The older you get, the less energy and desire you possess to "convince" a woman to be with you. She is either fully in or she is not. If she is not, there is the door. I have and always tell girls that, I literally point at the door.

Sounds like a tease. Let her come to you if she wants it, but for now, move on.

Modern Man Advice
Let her chase you now. Back burner b!tch in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
I matched with this girl on Bumble about six months a go, she was quite forward in her messaging. As it was late summer we went out and got a couple of beers. The date went pretty well, there was some escalation, and thus physical interaction. She held on to my hand with the firmest grip I've ever experianced from a female. Me thinking this is a good this I tried to get her home in which I might have been a bit overwhelming. She ghosted me a couple of days later.

So here I was, swiping along on tinder yesterday, saw her, swiped right and match. Again she was forward in her messaging, and she came over for dinner. We made pasta, drank some wine, and d!cked around on youtube. During said d!cking around I again escalated, and she seemed fine with me touching her but when I tried to kiss her, twice, I twice received the cheek of death. At around 2230 I'm thinking this isn't happening, so I'm like I've got to walk the dog and work tomorrow, trying to get her to leave. I still had half a bottle of wine I wanted to finish. She climbs on my lap, shoves her tits in my face. And down the escalation ladder we go, I got her naked, she's gripping my ****, I get up to get a condom. She's like, perhaps we should wait a bit. I didn't want to seem to thirsty so I said, sure, no problem. We fooled around a bit more and after a while she went home.

I think postponing a bit might pay dividends in the future. What's your take on situations like this?

The before mention bottle is now empty and I'm going to walk to dog. Thanks guys!
How are you all able to stop?
Every time I get to the making out & just wearing panties/underwear session. Intercourse follows. Even with ‘I don’t have sex on the first date’ girls.
i don’t have that kind of discipline.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2017
Reaction score
could be that she didn't want to come off as easy, she likes you and wants to you stay interested by dangling the zex carrot. Reasons on why she did it can be plenty, just hit the snooze on her for some time so she can see that you maintain frame and aren't shaken by her move.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Her: Perhap we should wait a bit.

You: Perhaps we shouldn´t (while you keep escalting or take off her clothes)


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
She didn’t mean that. Sounds like typical LMR/anti-slut defense and she probably expected you to plow though. Hate when women do that, especially in today’s climate….but that’s almost certainly what it was.
Yea i mean I'm struggling to understand what more you guys want ? she is naked in your house and somehow leaves unscathed ? you can't fumble the bag like this its unacceptable and amateur

You ain't gonna get brownie points for NOT smashing her i can promise you that much

She knows now she is in control expect more bad behaviour .....


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
Her: Perhap we should wait a bit.

You: Perhaps we shouldn´t (while you keep escalting or take off her clothes)
Her: Perhaps we should wait (as she is stripping off her pants)
Me: Of course we should wait (As I am peeling off her panties)

I seriously had a chick a couple of months ago telling me we should wait (in between kissing) as she was taking her pants off as fast as possible and then as I took mine off she said "fvck it....". No pun intended.

Women will push the wait card. Best way around it is to say "sure we should wait" while you continue kissing her neck, rubbing her or taking her panties off. Verbally acknowledge and physically continue unless she physically stops your hands. At that point, retreat and get ready to get her heated up again.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
I matched with this girl on Bumble about six months a go, she was quite forward in her messaging. As it was late summer we went out and got a couple of beers. The date went pretty well, there was some escalation, and thus physical interaction. She held on to my hand with the firmest grip I've ever experianced from a female. Me thinking this is a good this I tried to get her home in which I might have been a bit overwhelming. She ghosted me a couple of days later.

She climbs on my lap, shoves her tits in my face. And down the escalation ladder we go, I got her naked, she's gripping my ****, I get up to get a condom. She's like, perhaps we should wait a bit. I didn't want to seem to thirsty so I said, sure, no problem. We fooled around a bit more and after a while she went home.
Should have gotten the bj and then eaten her out before getting the condom. She'd ghosted before so I'd have given her an orgasm and get something myself before risking any momentum-stoppers.

Got to get it while you can.



Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
I matched with this girl on Bumble about six months a go, she was quite forward in her messaging. As it was late summer we went out and got a couple of beers. The date went pretty well, there was some escalation, and thus physical interaction. She held on to my hand with the firmest grip I've ever experianced from a female. Me thinking this is a good this I tried to get her home in which I might have been a bit overwhelming. She ghosted me a couple of days later.

So here I was, swiping along on tinder yesterday, saw her, swiped right and match. Again she was forward in her messaging, and she came over for dinner. We made pasta, drank some wine, and d!cked around on youtube. During said d!cking around I again escalated, and she seemed fine with me touching her but when I tried to kiss her, twice, I twice received the cheek of death. At around 2230 I'm thinking this isn't happening, so I'm like I've got to walk the dog and work tomorrow, trying to get her to leave. I still had half a bottle of wine I wanted to finish. She climbs on my lap, shoves her tits in my face. And down the escalation ladder we go, I got her naked, she's gripping my ****, I get up to get a condom. She's like, perhaps we should wait a bit. I didn't want to seem to thirsty so I said, sure, no problem. We fooled around a bit more and after a while she went home.

I think postponing a bit might pay dividends in the future. What's your take on situations like this?

The before mention bottle is now empty and I'm going to walk to dog. Thanks guys!

It's a sh@t test / anti slut defense. Always ignore OP. Unless you genuinely did not feel like it or want to, you failed imo.

Always verbally agree but physically plow through.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Should have gotten the bj and then eaten her out before getting the condom. She'd ghosted before so I'd have given her an orgasm and get something myself before risking any momentum-stoppers.
Strike while the iron is hot