The 80%


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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There have been several studies saying that women find 80% of males to have less than average attractiveness. I saw one video saying that online, women found only 4.9% of men attractive. Meanwhile, men tend to find about 60% females attractive, and are far more willing to settle or compromise.

Despite all this, obviously there are more than 4.9% of men getting laid or in relationships. So what's going on? I'm thinking there is more at work here than the physical attraction. I'm thinking women will go out with a guy, maybe not thinking he's the best looking guy out there, but there is something about him that she likes, personality or he's fun or maybe she just doesn't have any other current options. Then, after spending time with him, she begins to appreciate him, and may become more physically attracted to him, especially if they end up having sex. By this time her emotions have time to get engaged, and that makes a big difference.

In other words, women are known to sometimes need to be "warmed up" slowly for sex. Maybe they also need to be similarly "warmed up" to appreciate a man's looks.


Jul 19, 2019
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There have been several studies saying that women find 80% of males to have less than average attractiveness. I saw one video saying that online, women found only 4.9% of men attractive. Meanwhile, men tend to find about 60% females attractive, and are far more willing to settle or compromise.

Despite all this, obviously there are more than 4.9% of men getting laid or in relationships. So what's going on? I'm thinking there is more at work here than the physical attraction. I'm thinking women will go out with a guy, maybe not thinking he's the best looking guy out there, but there is something about him that she likes, personality or he's fun or maybe she just doesn't have any other current options. Then, after spending time with him, she begins to appreciate him, and may become more physically attracted to him, especially if they end up having sex. By this time her emotions have time to get engaged, and that makes a big difference.

In other words, women are known to sometimes need to be "warmed up" slowly for sex. Maybe they also need to be similarly "warmed up" to appreciate a man's looks.
Lol. What old site has 60 percent of the girls attractive lol. By the time you weed out the fatties and fake profiles it's about 10 percent max!


Sep 10, 2014
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There have been several studies saying that women find 80% of males to have less than average attractiveness. I saw one video saying that online, women found only 4.9% of men attractive. Meanwhile, men tend to find about 60% females attractive, and are far more willing to settle or compromise.

Despite all this, obviously there are more than 4.9% of men getting laid or in relationships. So what's going on? I'm thinking there is more at work here than the physical attraction. I'm thinking women will go out with a guy, maybe not thinking he's the best looking guy out there, but there is something about him that she likes, personality or he's fun or maybe she just doesn't have any other current options. Then, after spending time with him, she begins to appreciate him, and may become more physically attracted to him, especially if they end up having sex. By this time her emotions have time to get engaged, and that makes a big difference.

In other words, women are known to sometimes need to be "warmed up" slowly for sex. Maybe they also need to be similarly "warmed up" to appreciate a man's looks.
I had a really good looking woman that I kinda feel like I fit into this category with that was a fvck buddy/pseudo gf for about 6 months last year...good looking CrossFit chick, amazing body...

First date she found me hilarious and we got really flirty toward the end of the date and I kissed her and she reciprocated and was surprised that I went for it...

Next date we grabbed a bite and had a couple of drinks and talked for 3 or 4 hours about a wide variety of things and just had a really good vibe with each other...the next day she told me how much she loved our conversations...

3rd date was at my place cooking and I banged her...she wasn't the best in bed, kinda boring but I made up for it by putting her in different positions and fvcking the life out of her...she told me I was too much and asked where I got the have sex like that from...

Over the next 6 months or so I would see her once or twice a week and we always had a good time, usually spent the night together(and fvcked) and she even had a tooth brush for me at her place...

But I just never got the sense she was really "into me" the way I want a woman to be into me...

Noticed her starting to become more distant and "busy", and I saw the writing on the wall so I basically walked away from her and let her know this wasn't working for me. She said she understood and respected my decision...then told me a "guy from her past had surfaced" and she was confused...

All I needed to the end of the day, you can't force a chick to be more into you than they are, but that doesn't mean they won't fvck you regularly and sometimes even be your GF if they appreciate other things you have like personality, humor, know how to converse with them in an attractive manner, etc...


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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Looks are only 1/4 of the package. To be sure, they are the most important 1/4. Women also casually sleep with a different type of man than they date.
Yep. Just because they’re dating a guy doesn’t mean they’re sleeping with them. You know how many women go on a few dates with a guy and throw out the line “I’m not in a hurry for sex, I want to get to know you and take it slow. I’m not like that” even though she IS like that. Relationships lasting a month or less are the norm now. They aren’t ****ing those guys tbough, they already got that taken care of by someone else. Women slot guys into different roles. The only available roles to be filled for most women are the orbiter roles, all the other good roles are taken.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2019
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that sounds nice and a very wholesome way to think about it.

devil's advocate tells that as soon as a man in the 4.9% gives her attention she will gobble that up. I agree with the devil on this one. the 4.9% of men literally do not have enough time for all of the options and that leaves some women FORCED to keep the focus on someone in the 95.1%. almost without fail and regardless of religion, wealth, family, the 4.9% can and will select what they FEEL like in the moment. sounds like a woman, ehh.. if you have a hot woman and you are not 4.9% eventually someone that is will take a sample.

we tell men to look for some way to join the 4.9%, and if they can do it then success if not they are beta, simp, incel, loser, scum, stupid, go to infinity with the insults. your best is not good enough.

the entire problem (if it's a problem..) is the 4.9% of men that are greedy. I am a guy and I get it, greed feels good.

we simply do not understand how women who have mens best interests at heart are only victims of the raging 4.9% who are destabilizing the entire human race.


wild ideas, but maybe some truth hidden in the edges.


Aug 29, 2021
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Because of "The illusion of choice."
Women are bombarded by so much male attention thanks to their complete lack of responsibility in how they dress in public and because of apps like tinder which allow them to simply pose a skanky photo and get infinite attention from desperate males. Sometimes these "men" even pay money for their bathwater or jars of their fart.

So women have what they call the "illusion of choice" where their standards become so ridiculous because they feel they deserve perfection and won't settle for anything less than perfect.

It's only when they hit the wall and their looks start to fade that they become less shallow and a little more desperate as they become dumpy and expired.

Genetic Error

Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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in the older generations its not 80/20. its only 80/20 in the younger gens because of tinder and other dating apps with make hypergamy even worse.

and there are a lot less people having sex in younger gens than before


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
There have been several studies saying that women find 80% of males to have less than average attractiveness. I saw one video saying that online, women found only 4.9% of men attractive. Meanwhile, men tend to find about 60% females attractive, and are far more willing to settle or compromise.

Despite all this, obviously there are more than 4.9% of men getting laid or in relationships. So what's going on? I'm thinking there is more at work here than the physical attraction. I'm thinking women will go out with a guy, maybe not thinking he's the best looking guy out there, but there is something about him that she likes, personality or he's fun or maybe she just doesn't have any other current options. Then, after spending time with him, she begins to appreciate him, and may become more physically attracted to him, especially if they end up having sex. By this time her emotions have time to get engaged, and that makes a big difference.

In other words, women are known to sometimes need to be "warmed up" slowly for sex. Maybe they also need to be similarly "warmed up" to appreciate a man's looks.
I agree with the 60%. Most women 35 and under can pass for at least a 6.5 when they are all done up. Just because a woman might be 10 to 15 lbs overweight doesn't mean she isn't cute. Obese women are disgusting, not overweight women with cute faces. I crack up that some of the men on here automatically put an otherwise attractive woman in "pig" status just because she could stand to lose a few pounds. Is Ronda Rousey a "pig" because she is a little overweight? Come on!!

As for women finding 4.9% attractive, I guess you have to look like Tom Brady to be in that category.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The only available roles to be filled for most women are the orbiter roles, all the other good roles are taken.
Orbiter roles are shiit. Avoid them.

I wonder if his yacht had anything to do with it.:rolleyes:
Yachts have a way of being able to get a guy some vagina.

Meanwhile, men tend to find about 60% females attractive, and are far more willing to settle or compromise.
Men settle due to thirst. Women have the feminist mantra programming of "Never Settle!" to deal with if they are aging and considering settling. The hardline adherents to "Never Settle!" end up as cat ladies. The ones that do settle end up in mediocre to subpar relationships with beta males that hardly keep them happy. It might be an incremental increase in happiness over being on the cocck carousel at 40-45 or being a cat lady. Every woman's perception of value is different.

Despite all this, obviously there are more than 4.9% of men getting laid or in relationships. So what's going on? I'm thinking there is more at work here than the physical attraction. I'm thinking women will go out with a guy, maybe not thinking he's the best looking guy out there, but there is something about him that she likes, personality or he's fun or maybe she just doesn't have any other current options. Then, after spending time with him, she begins to appreciate him, and may become more physically attracted to him, especially if they end up having sex. By this time her emotions have time to get engaged, and that makes a big difference.
You assessed it well. Though she'll never be as turned on by Beta Bob as Alpha Adam or Sigma Steve.


Jul 19, 2019
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I wonder if his yacht had anything to do with it.:rolleyes:
From other videos it sounds like it was probably 300 to 500k. Obviously hes not broke but thats their primary house and they dock, live in LA on it which is cheape than a house than most parts of la.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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Agreed, just because a woman says she wants a tall guy, doesn't mean the odds favor her getting one. A woman that is dumb enough to think that most men are over 6ft is already an intelligence red flag. But I'm sure most women are smarter than that.

Women care more about personality and less about looks. This is what is backed up by their actions and not their words.

Anyone who believes their height or looks are an impediment is coping.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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in the older generations its not 80/20. its only 80/20 in the younger gens because of tinder and other dating apps with make hypergamy even worse.

and there are a lot less people having sex in younger gens than before
The 80/20 was also discussed in the 00s, but it was peddled as a more constructive red-pill argument to sell PUA content. (ie the 20% is easily accessible by learning game and being a good PUA) whereas today it seems more elusive for the very reasons you've placed as this becomes more of a black-pill than a red-pill argument.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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Now THAT is cope. They care a lot about a great number of criteria: their standards are high.
You can call it a cope, but it's still a fact. Men are more visual than women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
You can call it a cope, but it's still a fact. Men are more visual than women.
The concern is that you can be shut down by a woman in seconds at a bar or club just because of your looks. You won’t necessarily have a chance to show off your personality.

In a social circle environment, you won’t be “shut down” per se, but even if your personality is good, you run the risk of being friendzoned if you aren’t her looks type.

Whether women are more or less visual is almost a moot point* because things will never move forward unless you meet or exceed her minimum looks requirements.

*I would argue that women are more visual than men, but I can put that aside for the purposes of this discussion.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Agreed, just because a woman says she wants a tall guy, doesn't mean the odds favor her getting one. A woman that is dumb enough to think that most men are over 6ft is already an intelligence red flag. But I'm sure most women are smarter than that.

Women care more about personality and less about looks. This is what is backed up by their actions and not their words.

Looks>>>everything else.