The 80%


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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There have been several studies saying that women find 80% of males to have less than average attractiveness. I saw one video saying that online, women found only 4.9% of men attractive. Meanwhile, men tend to find about 60% females attractive, and are far more willing to settle or compromise.
If we are looking at ALL adult women (i.e. age 18 to 120), there is no way in hell that anywhere near 60% of them are attractive. Even if you consider how thirsty the average dude is, that is a bogus stat. Simply eliminating women who are two old and too fat to be attractive will likely get rid of 2/3 of the potential candidates.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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If we are looking at ALL adult women (i.e. age 18 to 120), there is no way in hell that anywhere near 60% of them are attractive. Even if you consider how thirsty the average dude is, that is a bogus stat. Simply eliminating women who are two old and too fat to be attractive will likely get rid of 2/3 of the potential candidates.
I think he was referring to women 18 to 35.

60/40 seems quite accurate.

40% are not attractive due to obesity, an awful nose or moderate to severe Dentofacial issues (e.g large lower jaw, gummy smile, etc)


Jul 19, 2019
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I think he was referring to women 18 to 35.

60/40 seems quite accurate.

40% are not attractive due to obesity, an awful nose or moderate to severe Dentofacial issues (e.g large lower jaw, gummy smile, etc)
I agree with Bobanovsky. Well, lets narrow it down. Ages 16 to 50. 16 due to depending on the state, and the rare 50 year old cougar who might still be decent. I'd say maybe 30 percent total. There is no way 60 percent of girls 35 and under are attractive. I don't see it. IRL I'd say it's more like 40 percent 35 and under are attractive. There is no way 60 percent of the population of women is attractive.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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I agree with Bobanovsky. Well, lets narrow it down. Ages 16 to 50. 16 due to depending on the state, and the rare 50 year old cougar who might still be decent. I'd say maybe 30 percent total. There is no way 60 percent of girls 35 and under are attractive. I don't see it. IRL I'd say it's more like 40 percent 35 and under are attractive. There is no way 60 percent of the population of women is attractive.
That because you are probably discrediting "cute" women who might be 10, 15, 20 lbs overweight. You are giving them a 5 and 6 rating (non-attractive) when in reality they should be 6.5 to 7 (attractive). I would say a good 20% of women are in this category.

FYI.....Attractive to me starts at 6.5 and up
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Jul 19, 2019
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That because you are probably discrediting "cute" women who might be 10, 15, 20 lbs overweight. You are giving them a 5 and 6 rating (non-attractive) when in reality they should be 6.5 to 7 (attractive). I would say a good 20% of women are in this category.

FYI.....Attractive to me starts at 6.5 and up
I'm also talking lack of tattoos, piercings, their teeth, etc not just being a tad chubby. Even if they're not chubby they still don't have good teeth or covered in tats.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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I'm also talking lack of tattoos, piercings, their teeth, etc not just being a tad chubby. Even if they're not chubby they still don't have good teeth or covered in tats.
Teeth I agree with, but the tats don't bother me none if everything else is in place.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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“I’m not in a hurry for sex, I want to get to know you and take it slow. I’m not like that”
"Absolutely no probs, so if you take up the cheque for every single date till we have sex, that works for me"

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Agreed, just because a woman says she wants a tall guy, doesn't mean the odds favor her getting one. A woman that is dumb enough to think that most men are over 6ft is already an intelligence red flag. But I'm sure most women are smarter than that.

Women care more about personality and less about looks. This is what is backed up by their actions and not their words.

Anyone who believes their height or looks are an impediment is coping.
This ^^.

This is not to say women are initially attracted to looks and surely they have a "type". But this is not how women are wired evolutionarily per see. It has to do more with mindset, character, social status, and emotional/financial/etc stability.

I think the key is the bold part I highlighted. Do they exist? Yes, but these are the forever single and jaded women bad-mouthing men and dating on TikTok.

Modern Man Advice


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Wow, you must be ruling out everything under an 8 then.
Everything under a 7. Genuine 8's are nowhere near 10-20% of the overall female population (except, perhaps, if you live in certain parts of Northern or Eastern Europe where they have not yet discovered McDonalds and KFC).


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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Everything under a 7. Genuine 8's are nowhere near 10-20% of the overall female population (except, perhaps, if you live in certain parts of Northern or Eastern Europe where they have not yet discovered McDonalds and Taco Bell).
FIFY... Taco bell is winning the fast food wars from what I see.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Everything under a 7. Genuine 8's are nowhere near 10-20% of the overall female population (except, perhaps, if you live in certain parts of Northern or Eastern Europe where they have not yet discovered McDonalds and KFC).
Okay, what would you give this woman? Her name is Marni and she is some dating coach (has video online etc)

I would call her attractive (good hair, fit, a cute face) but she is NOT a head turner. There is nothing about her facial attractiveness that makes you do a double take, but everything else is in place. Going off looks alone, she IS attractive, but NOT beautiful. I would give her a 7.5

Does she make your cut?

Plenty of women (at least in the big cities) under 30 are just as attractive as this woman.

Now look at this Auburn cheerleader. She is very attractive and YES........I would agree only a small percentage of women under 35 are this attractive. Maybe 10%



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I agree with the 60%. Most women 35 and under can pass for at least a 6.5 when they are all done up.
I think 60% sounds reasonable, within a certain age group. I've always thought I've been able to appreciate female beauty, every woman has their own distinct look. Some are beautiful, some are cute, some are sexy. Some might appeal to you on a certain day if your mood is right. But the basic shape, the feminine face, the long hair all tends to be appealing, men are wired to respond to that.

Personally I'm skeptical of any sexual study that involves self-reporting. Just because a woman says she doesn't find Mr. X attractive on paper (an image, presumably), doesn't mean she won't be attracted to him in 3D form and, as you said, after getting to know him.
I think the study I mentioned had to do with online dating, they have been able to note the percentage of males that women swipe right on or whatever, and it is a fairly small percentage. But those are just pictures, it's like the study that showed women didn't like the guy who smiled, that was just based on pictures. A man smiling in person might convey some warmth, whereas in the picture he just looks like a people pleasing chimp. Throw people into a social situation, or a 3D form where status and personality come into play, they might react differently.

Don Dark Horse

Don Juan
Aug 2, 2021
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There have been several studies saying that women find 80% of males to have less than average attractiveness. I saw one video saying that online, women found only 4.9% of men attractive. Meanwhile, men tend to find about 60% females attractive, and are far more willing to settle or compromise.

Despite all this, obviously there are more than 4.9% of men getting laid or in relationships. So what's going on? I'm thinking there is more at work here than the physical attraction. I'm thinking women will go out with a guy, maybe not thinking he's the best looking guy out there, but there is something about him that she likes, personality or he's fun or maybe she just doesn't have any other current options. Then, after spending time with him, she begins to appreciate him, and may become more physically attracted to him, especially if they end up having sex. By this time her emotions have time to get engaged, and that makes a big difference.

In other words, women are known to sometimes need to be "warmed up" slowly for sex. Maybe they also need to be similarly "warmed up" to appreciate a man's looks.
Not sure if you can believe all the stats you find in videos online.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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Okay, what would you give this woman? Her name is Marni and she is some dating coach (has video online etc)

I would call her attractive (good hair, fit, a cute face) but she is NOT a head turner. There is nothing about her facial attractiveness that makes you do a double take, but everything else is in place. Going off looks alone, she IS attractive, but NOT beautiful. I would give her a 7.5

Does she make your cut?

Plenty of women (at least in the big cities) under 30 are just as attractive as this woman.

Now look at this Auburn cheerleader. She is very attractive and YES........I would agree only a small percentage of women under 35 are this attractive. Maybe 10%
its so bad in the midlands UK, a woman like this would be snapped up by a guy earning 200k


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Okay, what would you give this woman? Her name is Marni and she is some dating coach (has video online etc)

I would call her attractive (good hair, fit, a cute face) but she is NOT a head turner. There is nothing about her facial attractiveness that makes you do a double take, but everything else is in place. Going off looks alone, she IS attractive, but NOT beautiful. I would give her a 7.5

Does she make your cut?

Plenty of women (at least in the big cities) under 30 are just as attractive as this woman.

Now look at this Auburn cheerleader. She is very attractive and YES........I would agree only a small percentage of women under 35 are this attractive. Maybe 10%
The cheerleader is an 8, I'd say. Regarding the brunette, it's hard to tell because you can't see her body and the image appears to be touched up. Could be anywhere in the 5-7 range. It's really hard to judge by face alone (which is why catfish photos are always face only). A decent face can be accomplished with makeup, plastic surgery and/or good camera angles. But the main problem with most women these days is their bodies. Beer guts, thick legs, love handles, premature cellulite. Going to the beach in many parts of the U.S. (and increasingly the West in general) is oftentimes scary experience.

This wasn't always the case. Look at photos and videos from 50-60 years ago that show people on beaches and the difference is stunning.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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The cheerleader is an 8, I'd say. Regarding the brunette, it's hard to tell because you can't see her body and the image appears to be touched up. Could be anywhere in the 5-7 range. It's really hard to judge by face alone (which is why catfish photos are always face only). A decent face can be accomplished with makeup, plastic surgery and/or good camera angles. But the main problem with most women these days is their bodies. Beer guts, thick legs, love handles, premature cellulite. Going to the beach in many parts of the U.S. (and increasingly the West in general) is oftentimes scary experience.

This wasn't always the case. Look at photos and videos from 50-60 years ago that show people on beaches and the difference is stunning.
Wow, a 5 to 7?

May I ask what you rate yourself? I would think a guy with a very high SMV would have a much tougher rating system. I give myself a 7 to 7.5, so any woman at least a 6.5 is "attractive" to me.

I've also noticed what I find attractive has expanded as I have gotten older, especially when it comes to younger women.

As I have gotten older, an otherwise average "6" woman is a "7.5" to me because of her youthful glow (women 30 and below)
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Jul 19, 2019
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How would this rank for a 46 year old? I saw her on a dating profile. 46 and never married, no kids.
