Women will usually assess you based on how you assess yourself. This was my key to achieving success with women.
I just decided to believe that I was the sh!t, that all women should be looking up to me.
When you accept things about yourself that aren’t ideal, they become non-issues to most women. If, on the other hand, you are negatively self-conscious about something like height or looks, it will absolutely be an issue for women.
Women pick up on how you feel about yourself and then they appropriate that assessment themselves. They have an external locus of control and are easily influenced by others’ assessments about just about everything.
If it isn’t a big deal to you, it isn’t a big deal to her. Women tend to assess a man based on averaging out his traits, unlike us men who assign a hard number rating to women. As a matter of fact, what men perceive as a liability about themselves can be endearing to women.