I’m trying to use the right head here. Short backstory: my friend and I went to Twin Peaks on Friday. I’m not a regular there but I have gone a few times. The HB 7 bartender is instantly engaging me in conversation that leads to her telling me she’s single and looking. I tell her I’m in the same boat and proceed to tell her we should go out sometime. I go to the bathroom and upon returning my friend is telling me how she was telling him that she’s into me and wondering if he thought I felt the same. Before leaving she voluntarily gave me her phone number, I
text her and she texts back to confirm.
Next day I sent her a text asking how her day is looking with the intention of linking up. I got no response.
Today she sends me a text with some BS about how she was super busy At work, blah blah blah. I know women have their phones on them at all times so that’s BS.
Question for the forum, should I even entertain this or just move on? I have no issue doing either one as I have 2 other plates I’m interested in.