Nothing wrong with that. Maybe he's a simple guy. Has a comfy bed, a couch to sit in and maybe a nice car and clothes. That's all he needs. Dr. Phil mentioned that on his show once on free loaders. Said some people are happy with the basics.I have an attorney friend in Houston who's 39 years old. Bachelor. Makes a good 6 figures.
Very nice apartment, and he sleeps with a mattress and boxspring that are on the floor. He has a couch and a TV in his living room, and his fridge is always empty, since he eats out every night.
That's it. Successful 6-figure attorney, and that's how he lives.
I mean if your friend is making 200k a year and living with min expenses he has nice bank accounts. When other lawyers are working until they're 70 because they blow the money every check they get he will be retired at 55.