Both, homosexuality and transgenderism are acquired behaviours. No one is born gay or transgender. Scientists have spent decades trying to find the"gay gene", without success. The same is true of transgenderism. There is no genetic basis for it (with the exception of a very small number of individuals who are actually born with both, male and female physical traits but we are not talking about them here).
IMO, if an adult want to change his or her sex, I am fine with that. It's a form of self-mutilation that should be discouraged but ultimately I believe in individual autonomy. However, the same does not apply to children. Anyone who brainwashes/encourages a child to change their sex deserves capital punishment.
Like nearly all human conditions, homosexuality results from a combination of nature and nurture. In other words, genetics loads the gun, environment/upbringing pulls the trigger.
Homosexuality is scientifically correlated with low natural testosterone levels, so it's partially genetic.
Environmental factors also play into it. Many gay men I've known were raised in matriarchal households.
Where we draw the line between homosexuality and transgenderism is clear to me. Both are age-old human conditions. Men living as women, and women living as men, is a tale as old as time. Transgenderism is just as much of an aspect of human society as homosexuality.
Biology does not determine your sexual orientation, but it
does determine your gender, so sexual orientation and gender are
not analagous. You don't come into this world as gay or straight, but you
do come into this world as a male or female. Gender identity may be fluid and subjective, but gender is
The silent majority knows that challenging the scientific absolutism of gender and attacking those who state that truth is woke horsesh!t. Where I don't think people should remain silent is drawing that line at bodily mutilation and chemical alteration of hormonal production -- the s
urgical and irreversible -- transformation of one's body, from which minors should be
That's not transphobia, that's simple social conscience.