The gym is a tough place to do approaches. It's mostly because of the earbuds. When I was going to my on campus gym in undergrad in the early to mid-2000s, the iPod had just come out. Back in 2003-04, only the top 20% of attractive women were wearing them. Keep in mind this was a college gym with 90%+ of attendees under 18-25% with the occasional late 20s graduate level student making up the remainder.
By the early 2010s, I was noticing in my mainly 20s/30s gym that 80-85% of women were wearing earbuds. It's over 90% now.
The only times men talk to women at my gym is after fitness classes when there are no earbuds or they have a less than 5 second interaction about equipment use when there are earbuds. Also, I've noticed that few men do fitness class approaches. A lot of times, I was the only man doing these types of approaches. I noticed this as much in the early 2010s as the last 3-4 years.
Planet Fitness is not a good gym. I doubt that it was PF.
The higher end gyms tend to have better looking women. However, there are some big box gyms like 24 Hour or LA Fitness that will have some attractive members. This is more true if the location is close to a singles dense area.
The best gyms for attractive women are independent gyms, boutique class studios, and higher end chains like Equinox and Lifetime.
Local news reporters are often attractive women. That was also true 30 years ago.
The difference now is that the TV ratings for local newscasts were much higher 30 years ago than they are now. The audience was also younger then.
It's not surprising that a news personality would put sexy pics on Instagram. Instagram and TV journalism both tend to attract people with narcissistic tendencies. Also, as stated above, sexy pics on Instagram don't tend to draw in more newscast viewers.
You were referring to Mackenzie Bart.
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
A woman who looks like that isn't going to have sex with a random man who slides into her DMs unless he is top tier looking. He would likely need to have shirtless photos on his Insta with some combination of low body fat, washboard abs, big muscles, and nice facial aesthetics. Likely all 4 of those.
One of my friends had sex for 3-6 months with a Miss State Winner. He didn't slide into her DMs to meet her. He met her in person at an event (not a bar). He had her naked within the first 3 dates. If you want to have sex with a Miss State Winner, it is best to meet her in person somehow. I'm surprised that she was on Bumble in your area. She was likely doing Bumble for self-validation and not going on actual dates.
Agree 100%.