I live in a country who have the "free" health care, if you ahve any brain you won't ever want to use it, lets just say, my father had cancer in 2018-19, if he was in the free heath care, he would be dead by now, also just one little tidy bit of info, since that time(even before but looks like people love to forget this) we had to wait for a free space in the intensive care, because it was FULL, we had to transfer him to a close city, so he had a place to get ready for the surgery, and its a with a paid health care plan.Bullsh1t! We are trying to stop it from becoming Zimbabwe. My cousin lives in Kenya, we know what the hell is going on.
Bullsh1t! Yea, the Woke Left wants "free healthcare" but the rest of the population with a brain opposes it for the very reason you state. But all you know about the USA is what the Woke Leftist media feeds you.
Bullsh1t! stats. The Woke Leftist thinks having legal guns will make it a war zone,...but what they will get is a war zone if they try to take the guns away.
Again, the Woke Leftist are obsessed with race because they use it as a political weapon to divide an conquer the population. "Normal" people barely ever use "race" in a sentence unless it is NASCAR.
You have an amazingly twisted view of the USA as presented to you by the Woke Leftist. But of course that is exactly what they want. So congratulate them on a job well done. The propaganda machine is a success.
Go clean up your own house. Make Zimbabwe into a "heaven" then we can all come there.
so yeah I don't see why anyone with a brain would want the FREE version since it don't work, also note any good doctor will leave the public service and go private, why? they pay better, so the free one get all the lazy or not good enough to go private, and good luck to find someone who want to save lives, these ones go for war zones to fill they ego.
note too my country is a controled weapon, on population that is, criminal can choose from semi to full auto at ease, and we had to not only pay a huge ammount for a simple revolver, but you want need to have a REASON to ask for a permit, because you want is not a reason, and if is for sport you can't carry it around, so yeah you get a gun to lock in a safe at home....