I honestly believe everyone would be happier if women found a good man to marry and have kids with, stay married, raise healthy and well adjusted children that grow into functional and respectable adult members of society. If this was more the norm, we wouldn't have threads about dating single moms, attention *****s, psycho women, etc. Women like this have always existed but going back not all that long ago they were the exception instead of the norm.
All of this is accurate.
single mom with grown kids ok.
Dating a woman with children over 18 is an interesting topic. They are technically single moms since they are moms but not typically what we associate with single motherhood. Dating a woman with children over 18 is no walk in the park either.
First off, women with children over 18 are not commonly seen in women under 40-45. If you're dating a woman with children over 18, you're dating a woman over 40 and likely one over 45. A lot of the men on this forum haven't turned 45 yet. Some of the ones that have would prefer to date substantially younger women.
When a man dates a woman in her 40s and beyond with adult children, he doesn't know if her children will be a nuisance. In the last 15-20 years, many 18+ children have had a stint living at home somewhere between ages 18-30. More Millennials (1982-1996) than not lived at home as adults, especially since a lot of Millennials graduated into poor economic conditions between 2008-2012. However, even before 2008, a lot of young adults were living at home. With late Gen X'ers (1977-1981 births), some had to live at home during the 2000-2002 dot com bubble bursting era. Additionally, the adult children of a single mom won't think much of the new man their mom is dating because he wasn't around for their formative years. Family gatherings feel quite forced, especially in situations where a single dad has his own adult children and the single mom has hers.
I'll end by saying that a lot of the ways of thinking about women over 40 and their kids are changing. In the next 5-7 years, there will be a wave of Millennials turning 40 and childless. Childlessness is common in the Millennial generation, so Millennial men turning 40 in the next 5-7 years will be more likely to be dating similarly aged Millennial women without kids.