Im a total alcoholic, it not acceptable for me to be in bars or clubs and ive proved this ,many time before.
i will do nothing to jeapordise how far ive come mentally and financially.
Also as soon as women found out i wasnt drinking they totally ltd their drinking down to two drinks max. so i do not have the same observation as you. that they carry on getting drunk and pull their pants down
the world is colourful and sometimes your caveman advice doesnt go with it.
Sorry to hear you have issues with that. Definitely a good thing that you avoid those places then.
Umm...who said they got sh!tfaced drunk? Sometimes they'd have one drink, sometimes two, sometimes they'd order a diet Pepsi since I wasn't drinking.
That's the thing...I never required then to fvck me that night. I have a lot of value to offer them. Far more than 95% of guys they will likely meet. That's not me bragging, that's just me being real and being confident with who I know I am and knowing what's out there. Most of these dudes they are meeting are fvcking losers.
I am not afraid they are going to run away if I don't bang them and they'll find someone else. I'm fun and exciting to be around, I am a great conversationalist and I know how to flirt with them. I do pretty well for myself. I have more than once been told how charming and confident I am and how much they like it both in date and after dates. Do I shy away from it? No...if it happens it happens. But I could care less whether it does or not or within any certain timeframe.
Only people who are afraid a woman will find out they have little of value to offer need to rush them into the bedroom to try and get laid. I'm cool letting them find out about me because I know I'm awesome and I know they will want to find out more. And once they get to the bedroom they won't want to leave because I have skills they didn't even know existed in there. Again...just me being honest. And it's not because I was born with them, it's because I worked hard to learn and develop them. It's the one area as a guy that you have almost zero competition in if you become good at it.
Granted it doesn't always work out but it works out plenty enough that I haven't gone more than 3 weeks without sex in over 5 years. And no fat chicks here. I can't do it.