If the 150lb guy doesn't know how to fight, yes. If he's trained as a boxer for a while , he'll knock you flat out. Yeah size makes a difference if it turns into a grapple, but he'll be able to generate a lot of force in a punch via technique.disagree to an extent. Once someone has the basics, or some experience, size becomes a factor.
I am 210 lb. I have very basic training but I doubt a 150lb guy could get me down. How?
I can walk around with them hanging off me. No move can beat that.
plus all I need to do is grab and drop my weight.
As for punching, little guys just can’t knock out bigger guys. I’ve been punched by 300lb tubs of lard and it hurts - a lot.
The weight you carry is really important - even if a lot of it is lard, it makes a massive impact on fighting.
I saw a much bigger westerner get levelled by a Thai chap out in Asia on a night out. Clearly was into his muay Thai.