This stuff is so common man, like in this field of working in group homes, you develop a bond with the clients, but also your team and shift mate specifically. Sometimes some very stressful, crazy and traumatic things can happen, all help to form bonds. You execute plans together, work as a group to create strategies for new behaviors.
Sometimes I would work for 48 hours straight, the thing is you don't sleep well overnight at the group homes and you gotta sleep over 2 nights in a row on a 48, so then your stressed and no sleep.
Then you have the actual homes people stay in, they have clients that live with them, so we'll go stay in a spare room for a day to a month at a time... These families are always crazy stressed out, so the idea is for me to go in and make their home a group home, I treat them like my teammates, give them responsibilities, create structure. You essentially come in and get to be the hero, marriage is strained heavily by caring for children with disabilities, many grateful wives, maaaany and your living in the house with them lol.
Then, to top it all off, sometimes families go on vacation, so they leave us with the client in their home, so the client is in a familiar surrounding and less stressed by family departure... All the neighbors start coming around if your outside obviously, questions... Then staff comes over to relieve you, however 90% staff are women, so she walks in, were now alone in a giant empty house other than the client who most are somewhat self autonomous for a limited time.
I could go on, the dussy potential was off the charts