I've spent hundreds of hours day gaming in Eastern European countries where it is absolutely not the norm to approach strangers and start up a conversation.
To directly address your question-comments quoted above:
As to cold approaching being something "weird" and/or bothersome, the more you cold approach, the more you realize it isn't weird in a bad way and 9 times out of 10 or more it isn't bothersome. Most women are interested in having an interaction with a stranger who carries on a good conversation, even if she isn't available or attracted. As men, we forget a woman's nature is to talk talk talk talk talk. They LOVE it. And they also love experiencing the full range of positive and negative emotions too. So talking to strangers scratches multiple itches. You are literally doing them a favor. So you MUST reprogram your brain to stop thinking it's a bad/bothersome thing. Actually doing the cold approaches will help you the most with this, but you can also do daily affirmations. Once a day, repeat to yourself, "Women want to meet me and talk to me." Sounds dumb but it works. Ready Psycho Cybernetics if you haven't already.
Now, as for it being weird, yes it is somewhat out of the ordinary - no argument there. But NOT in a bad way and that's what you need to get past. It's weird in a GOOD way. Women are not used to men with balls big enough to literally stop them on the street with no IOIs and start talking to them. Generally the closest they will get to that are guys who cat-call them which is a completely different thing from having a genuine, personal interaction. So, what I have learned works extremely well in cold approaches without IOIs is to be completely direct, and pre-frame the conversation with the acknowledgement that you understand this is unusual and not typical. That pre-frame demonstrates to her that you are socially intelligent and not crazy. And being direct is usually received in a positive way by a complete stranger and it eases some of the tension. Some might debate me about releasing tension and direct vs indirect approaches - I'm happy to have that debate but when you are new to cold approaching, I can tell you from hundreds, if not thousands of cold approaches from my own personal experience, that being direct is the way to go unless there is some other circumstance that helps you ease into a natural conversation (like you see her reading a book you've read and you can start a conversation about the book etc).
So the technique is just to walk directly up to a woman and say, "Excuse me, I know this is a little unusual, but I saw you and thought you were incredibly attractive and I just had to come and meet you," or something very similar. Even if she isn't interested or has a boyfriend or whatever, MOST women won't react negatively to that at all. They will be flattered and appreciative and will have a conversation with you. I can't tell you how many women have literally thanked me, at the end of the conversation or via
text or social media later, for stopping and talking to them. I've heard, "you made my day" countless times and that's even from a percentage of women who I wasn't subsequently able to get out on a date. Could be they had boyfriends or just weren't interested, but in either case, the point here is that they LIKED it.
In all my hundreds/thousands of approaches, I've had maybe two that I recall as being bad. One was a girl waiting at the exit of a grocery store, waiting on her girlfriend to finish checking out. I did this one indirect, looking in her cart and asking her what she was cooking. I could tell she wasn't into it and gave one word answers. So after maybe 20 seconds of trying to get her to open up, I excused myself. Another was in Eastern Europe and I happened to meet a girl who apparently didn't speak English. She hissed something at me in another language and didn't stop walking. I've had some girls just keep walking and ignore my approach but that's actually pretty rare.
I wish I lived where you did so I could go out with you and help you get some momentum.