text or call? Interesting question. Both should have their place in the way you communicate with women.
*I never cold call a chick. I will only call after some texting. Its super awkward to just call out of the blue after getting her number. Calling is for setting up a date. And why would you just call someone to ask them out on a date as the first interaction when they have clearly not done anything warranting us being interested in them to the point we want to spend our valuable time with them?
*I generally will call a chick for the first time while I know she is on her phone and available. If she texts me something like "oh im just hanging out at home", I will call. I spend a lot of time driving, so I generally just say "hey what's up....I'm driving so I can't text....." when she answers.
On the flip side, if I know she just texted me and immediately rejects my call, I WILL NOT reach out to her again (both text and call) until I hear back from her. Or never again.....either is fine. If she tries to text me right after I call, I just text back "I'm driving....give me a call later". Make her invest by calling you back.
*I keep a phone call to under 5 minutes. During that 5 minutes I am paying attention to her excitement level of me calling, if she can hold a conversation, how she sounds, etc. On more than dozens of occasions I have not contacted or replied to a chick after a 5 minute phone call if she sounds bored, stupid, manly voice, etc. I just disappear.
During that 5 minutes, I make sure it's light conversation and invite her for a drink. Its a yes, counter offer or I'm gone. "I'll let you know", "we'll see".....they don't hear from me again. Unless they reach back out in a timely manner to let me know they are free.
*I only call once. No more calling until we meet. Period. If she calls me between my initial phone call and the date, I keep it to a 5 minute, light convo. Tell her I gotta run and see her at the date.
*People can hide a boring/lackluster personality on text. I want to see how she talks before I go drop $40 on an appetizer and drinks.
*Less is best
*Totally ok to set up a date over text. Get the date (set it up within the next 3 days) and then sit back and see if she reaches out. If she does, light banter ("Hey you...thinking about me again I see?) and then get back off your phone. Less is best.
*No deep/serious conversations over text. Or on a date. Or ever. Keep it light and fun.
*I sporadically use 2 emojis in text. Wink face and thinking face. That's it. No "LOL" and for crying out loud, no kissy face emojis. Less is best.
*Texting is NOT going to work wonders for you if you are needy, overtalkative through text, not witty, not direct. After a few messages, simply say "seems like we have some things in common. Let's grab a drink and see if there is some vibe when we are together"....set up the date and back off.
Both texting and calls have their purpose and both work. I'm better on the phone than I am texting but I can do both.
The main thing is, and I know this blows some guy's minds......I am screening HER to see if I want to meet in person. And I would much rather waste 5 minutes of my life calling a chick than spend an hour talking face to face to a boring @ss chick while paying to fill her belly full of potato skins and $8 drinks, while I wish I was doing something else more productive than talking to a rock for personality. I can get a great gauge on a chick's personality through that 5 min call. And its ok to ghost after the call and not waste your time on a date with her, when you could spend that time meeting another or doing something you like doing.
Abundance is a good thing. Be picky. Use both text and calls to screen and qualify these women to see if they're worth your time.