The women were not on smartphones. I did 100 approaches once within a year and only got 1 phone number! I would have thought I would have gotten more since about 15 of them were single.
100 approaches in 1 year works out to roughly two approaches a week, unless you did it at one time at a huge gathering/social/party and you only went once in a year? Either way that doesn't sound like a high number of approaches, and I can see that its a low number.
If you approached 6 women per day in a year that would be 2, 190 approaches. If the first two approaches are warm-ups then you are really focusing on 2-3 quality approaches each day which would work out to hopefully 730 quality approaches and 730 daily warm-ups. Assuming you are on a learning curve and adapting then you should start seeing improved numbers.
Now the question, is can you generate a volume of that many women to approach (i.e. 4-6 women per day) using day-game without using too much of your time? Are you going to just be approaching hot women or any women? Are you wearing your best clothing and bringing on your A-game when you are doing these approaches? Watching a motivating youtube video of seeing other guys approach women? Are you going to fit it into your schedule so you have a consistent effort (ie block off 2 hours a day for approaches at XYZ location, etc....)? Would you have a journal so you can go over what you did, and what you could do better next time?
So I think there is allot of things you can do to improve your numbers. If I had the time to do this myself, I think it would be interesting to do something like that. If you have all this time and no tie-downs then you have the potential to have a great year with this.