If you are using "doing x is better than y" arguments then I will object to the assertion that I look at that type of porn. You avoided the other post I did make about looking at escort ads which is interpreted as a type of softcore porn. As you cant presume who has what type of tolerance or taste in porn.
Porn and fap is bad. It doesn't matter what the source of porn is. Since I stopped porn and fap, I avoid any imagery of women that can affect my dopamine. I don't watch a lot of R rated movies that aren't porn. A lot of TV shows are not acceptable. Porn and fap make for weak men as the video suggests. No porn and no fap is natural. It allows men to be aggressive men. I've noticed benefits in my life from no porn and no fap beyond approaching and sex.
So you are not for massive approaches but a few quality approaches? That is an about change. How do you screen for positive body language? Most women are in their own worlds or hooked up to a smartphone. How about you will end up doing no approaches at all if you wait for that?
I'm for whatever number of approaches it takes to get laid. There is no change. When a man approaches, he should position himself to succeed in the approach. Women who demonstrate positive body language are more likely to behave in a way that makes for an easier and better quality approach. This is more likely to result in some interaction leading to one on one time together.
A lot of the women who are in their own worlds or hooked up to a smartphone are already in relationships and not open to new interactions anyway. Most people at any given point in time are in some sort of relationship.
If you're not getting enough positive body language, it often means that you have to work on something related to your outward appearance. It could be style, fitness, or even whatever energy you put out there with your own body language.
Women have become worse at body language signaling since the smartphone became popular. I first noticed this when I moved to a new city in the early 2010s. Since I came up in approaching in the early 2000s, I was taught to look for body language indicators of interest (IOIs). I was noticing in this new city in the early 2010s in my late 20s that I was getting fewer IOIs despite still being under 30 and having a similar fitness level as my early 20s. My sense of fashion was similar. One of my early friends in the new city was a white, ex-college athlete in a country club individual sport. He was a top tier guy at the time and still is today, albeit less so. He taught me that he never looked for positive body language. He just approached everyone at the bar and he never did day game approaching, which I would start getting serious about soon after this time. If a top level guy was noticing less IOIs and so was I, you have a legit point about the overall environment.
Ideally, you want to see some IOIs before approaching. Very few guys will see enough IOIs to never have to approach without getting IOIs first. I prefer to do approaches with IOIs but will do without.
The pandemic has also affected IOIs. In the grocery store, I made strong eye contact and smiled, and I would see who reciprocated. With masks, there is no smiling. Additionally, the fear of the Rona has reduced willingness to talk to strangers indoors. Even outdoor approaching is affected but still the most viable form of approaching.
If these women ghosted you then how would you assess the situation? You realise you admit you have no options beyond their cooperation with you? Suppose they become unreasonable? You cant walk away.
I'll see what happens. I am able to cold approach, despite cold approaching being a royal pain.