You see a cashier you want to talk to but has a lineup. There are three cashiers next to her that are free.
Is it the real simp thing to wait in line? This middle aged tooking cashier has children so lets make it a total simp scenario.
What did I do? We said hi to each other then I went to the free cashier. Did not end up talking with her afterwards and emotionally ignored the other cashier lady whon was yonger and unlikely to be tied over friendly middle age cashier.
The simp say go after friendly lady even if you had to wait in line because you may feel more blood chemistry with her and have a good time. I think I acted above my simp tendencies today and may have been an enabler if I give validation like that.
Is it the real simp thing to wait in line? This middle aged tooking cashier has children so lets make it a total simp scenario.
What did I do? We said hi to each other then I went to the free cashier. Did not end up talking with her afterwards and emotionally ignored the other cashier lady whon was yonger and unlikely to be tied over friendly middle age cashier.
The simp say go after friendly lady even if you had to wait in line because you may feel more blood chemistry with her and have a good time. I think I acted above my simp tendencies today and may have been an enabler if I give validation like that.