I’ve mentioned this before but just happened again and I think it’s fascinating. Here is the pattern of extreme hot & cold and I’m curious from a psychological perspective what is going on?
(And before you say it, I’m not chasing these girls)
This same thing happened with 3 different girls:
-Hang out with HB9-10
-A few weeks in (date 4-5), girl starts talking about having a baby etc. Brings up constantly and very serious (this shocked me first time)
-A week goes by and they go cold
-then rinse and repeat
my guess:
Crazy - to talk about raising a family together with a guy you barely know. Don’t try to rationalize crazy
Motherly Instinct- girl hitting wall at age 28-31 and starting to get worried about having family. Strong drive to have kid
Stability - I well employed/stable etc and maybe that’s what they want in father
Other guys- HB 9-10 has dozens of other great guys chasing them and possible to forget about me
Caught up in the moment- maybe while having fun and in my presence, they get carried away and start to envision Disney family
Goes cold because I don’t reach out for a few days (but they don't either)
Hot/Crazy Matrix- If you’re a 10 and still not wifed up by age 30, something must be off
I’m not interested in these girls but really just curious (a) has this happened to others (b) what were they thinking. In fact, maybe my low interest was a factor in them going cold. We’ve all heard of super crazy girls doing this on first day, but all of these girls don’t appear crazy (except for this).
Thank you
(And before you say it, I’m not chasing these girls)
This same thing happened with 3 different girls:
-Hang out with HB9-10
-A few weeks in (date 4-5), girl starts talking about having a baby etc. Brings up constantly and very serious (this shocked me first time)
-A week goes by and they go cold
-then rinse and repeat
my guess:
Crazy - to talk about raising a family together with a guy you barely know. Don’t try to rationalize crazy
Motherly Instinct- girl hitting wall at age 28-31 and starting to get worried about having family. Strong drive to have kid
Stability - I well employed/stable etc and maybe that’s what they want in father
Other guys- HB 9-10 has dozens of other great guys chasing them and possible to forget about me
Caught up in the moment- maybe while having fun and in my presence, they get carried away and start to envision Disney family
Goes cold because I don’t reach out for a few days (but they don't either)
Hot/Crazy Matrix- If you’re a 10 and still not wifed up by age 30, something must be off
I’m not interested in these girls but really just curious (a) has this happened to others (b) what were they thinking. In fact, maybe my low interest was a factor in them going cold. We’ve all heard of super crazy girls doing this on first day, but all of these girls don’t appear crazy (except for this).
Thank you