This ^^^
To expand a bit on some other nice-guy behaviors:
1. Changing their opinion on things in order to align with the woman's, or to align with what they THINK the woman will want to hear
2. Have no entitlement that a woman should be doing things for him, in-kind to what he does for her. It's not so much tit-for-tat, but most nice-guys are SO focused on pleasing women, they literally expect nothing in return (other than hopefully her permission to have sex with her). If I do things like cook her dinners or give her a ride somewhere, I'm going to expect the same from her. I'm not going to keep track and I'm not going to get butt-hurt if she doesn't do it, but if she doesn't, I'm not going to keep doing things for her like that. I'm going to scale back to whatever level of investment she is providing, even if that means fading away until we are no longer talking/dating.
3. Do not have clear boundaries
4. Do not hold women accountable for anything
5. Are anti-confrontational and afraid to disagree (often related to the above two points)
6. Are afraid to challenge women
7. Agree with everything she says and are over-complimenting. "WOW, you like to ride bicycles? No way! So cool!"
8. Await the woman to give him a lit-up neon sign inviting him to escalate physically with her
Women don't like d-bags. Women like certain good characteristics that D-bags possess from the above list. Sadly, D-bags have a lot of other bad traits that women do NOT like, but they go for the guy anyway because they can almost never find the good traits listed above in nice guys. To me, this is a CORE part of being a good DJ..... because if you can be nice, and also do the opposite of the list above, you are in the top 1-2% of all men and women CRAVE this.