The trick is to get a book on openings.
I have a few. Ultimately, if you're going to be well versed on openings, it's too much memorization for my taste. I also don't like having to think too many moves ahead - "If I do this, then he does that, then I do that, and he does that, then this happens". I prefer to play by principles, feel, and instinct. Otherwise the game stops being fun, for me. A lot of guys have gone crazy from playing chess at too high a level, or it interferes with other aspects of their lives, because it can be all consuming if you want to play that well.
I've even heard that to be a top chess player, your brain has to be wired a certain way. Supposedly they can predict how good a chess player you can be by how your neurons connect to each other, or something like that.
I get caught up looking for the checkmate.
My weakness is the opposite, I get caught up trying to gain material. Your way is closer to the way the best players play, from what I know of it.