Wrong. I’ll repeat the question since you dodged it completely:
If masks don’t work, why do all doctors and nurses in contact with COVID-19 patients wear masks?
Do both.
I’ll rephrase this another way: would you give the same advice as it pertains to raw dogging women?
Americans have been denying this pandemic for 6 months now. Now 140,000 deaths later, you are still sticking to that story. Pathetic.
and I should care because?
things you need to understand I know I call out your overlords and you don't like, you are a nice sheep, you should never trust goverments and woman who says its ok go raw, why? both lie they ass off
in all this time i'm still working everyday, leaving my house and going to my working place, still ahve some working meetings I have to do, most follow the rules not because they are afraid of the virus, but because of the fines and possible people suing then for they own stupidity
but its ok, lets close it all and say it for you own good, remove peoples freedom and see how that goes, also lets forget the whole models used for this virus was made from someone who always exagerate his models for worse case scenarios and even he ignored it, meeting up with a married woman in secret on the time who most belived was the highest contamination time, lets also forget the whole corrption happening around in buying things for the covid-19, who are overcharged and without accountability, lets also ignore the possible mental diseases who are already starting to show in some people, and the possible higher number of people suicides.
yes lets ignore that all, lets not think over any of this, lets also ignore how virus works and how there is possible another swife flu comming from china again, we have to trust the overlords and protected then, I mean protect everyone
this one is just for you, since you are not that smart your little question, doctor use masks, but also gloves and most important follow the protocol of clean enviroment, take note too people IN DIRECT CONTACT USE FULL SUITS, that lower the chances of they getting the virus, but you know very well doctors did get sick from this and the older ones died, all doctors who tend to treath disease in mass WILL get sick eventually, diference is they have the knowledge to lower the chances