It's funny how Person A believes what he's told, and thinks Person B is "brainwashed" and a "sheep" for believing what he's told. And Person A is the only one who can "think for himself." I see this constantly on Sosuave. It's fine to believe what you want, but just admit it: You are choosing to believe information delivered by a different source or set of sources.
Unless you're a scientist conducting a study on it, you're only choosing to accept what someone else has told you. In that sense we're all sheep.
The truth about what's going on is being buried just as fast as it gets posted. We're living in a modern day book burning era. We are surrounded by mind control from all these big tech companies who control the flow of information to fit their narrative. The world is being run by Lucifer. We are in a spiritual battle between good & evil. You're either awake to it, or you're sleeping.
If someone were to just start researching about this pandemic. They'd go online using these big tech companies as their main source of information. They'd end up believing the fabricated narrative, not the truth. It's called "deception", we're surrounded by it, it's everywhere from Hollywood, Sports, Music, Main stream media, ect. Mixing a little truth with lies which then confuses the brain to later process it as truth. Even sites like snopes or fact checkers are burying the truth. Reddit recently got $150 million investment from China. After that happened the flow of truth has gotten censored. Posts are getting deleted as fast as they are posted. The main thread about the President got deleted.
One has to ask themselves why? Why is the truth being buried? What are they trying to cover up or hide? The WHO and CDC are 2 extremely corrupt organizations who have nothing to do with the Government. They exposed themselves during this pandemic for being the lying corrupt organizations that they are. They used deception to create fear into people in order to create the narrative and outcome they wanted.
The main stream media is one of, if not the worlds 1# enemy. All these corrupt organizations work with the media, who all work for Lucifer, who then control the flow of information to brainwash the world. Same exact way they have created the most toxic virus of all which is hate. Just last week 2 people were killed for wearing a MAGA hat. It all comes back to the media for creating that hate towards the President. The blood is on their hands. We are at that point in our world where we are killing people for wearing a hat? Mind control is real, it's powerful, and good luck trying to get someone under "Mocking bird" or "MK Ultra" to snap the fuk out!
Pathetic. Again, explain your conspiracy theory bullshvt to the 140,000 families who have lost to this disease.
Fortunately, nature always runs its course. The same idiots refusing to wear masks will also refuse the vaccine and ultimately succumb completely or suffer long term organ damage. Do you boo boo.
Corrupt Bill Gates even said the Covid vaccine will kill and cause side effects to a small number of people. That's coming from someone who is banned from India for causing massive amounts of damage from his Polio vaccine. Paralyzing over 400,000 children along with a handful of deaths. Imagine how many would die if 6 billion would were take a vaccine and how many more would suffer harsh side effects? That's just one example of many.
You don't want, nor can you handle the truth. You want to stay in your safe, fabricated bubble that they have created for you. Every time a truth is shown to shatter your narrative, you deflect and then regurgitate the same line of using sympathy against those who died. You can't even respond with any facts. Stay in your safe bubble, wear a mask, take the vaccine and do as your told.