I will start by saying that their are some issues against blacks, however, what I believe to be the most important topics are hardly even broached, if even at all. And there certainly aren't current policies that specifically target blacks. There are policies which may be used unevenly against blacks, but I have yet to see a policy which has that language in it. I do know companies with actual policies who give blacks preferential treatment though...
So then, we should ask... Why are some fair policies disproportionately affecting blacks?
Hmm... If any place should understand this concept better, it should be SS. Look at women, half of the world's population. There are certain undeniable patterns in their behavior. There are also certain ways they act which occur with almost perfection.
So is there anything biologically about blacks that cause them to act a certain way? I would say no, but the IQ debate is interesting. But let's leave it at No...
Okay, so maybe they are victims of their environment and the media?
Here are common patterns of behavior, which everyone of ignores, and this is not comprehensive by any means...
-blacks commit more crime per capita, with or without police, especially homicides
-blacks are disproportionately represented in jails/prisons which suggests they commit more crime
-75% of blacks are raised by single moms (which I believe to be the biggest issue)
-black immigrants do farrrr better than blacks born in the US
And then we can look at the media. Blacks are predominantly shown as criminals and thugs. Even when blacks have good shows, they still don't tend to show the family unit.
And then you can look at general behaviors of blacks. People will form opinions based on patterns of behavior they witness. I'm not going to speculate on which behaviors could be attributed to each race.
And lastly, you have the police whom have watched the media, know the facts about black crime because it is part of their life, seen blacks in their community. Often times, they are acting based on patterns of behavior.
BLM is not trying to fix the patterns of behavior OR the proper training in restraints. BLM is also not trying to dismantle unions which protected Derek Chauvin and others whom exhibit horrible patterns of behavior. What BLM seeks to do is remove funding from an already underfunded public service and spend in areas which will likely increase costs (and taxes). By the time someone interacts with the police, it's too late. We should be seeking to reduce the amount of encounters blacks have with the law,
Think about the patterns we witness with single moms and their dating or lifestyle. Do we know they are generally not good because we identify them as a single mom, or do we recognize everything that must have led up to that? This being a poor family dynamic, questionable value system, and me first attitude.
Until BLM starts to look at patterns of behavior and actually fixing the black community, I will see it as nothing more than a political coup to take down the United States. They are a leaderless movement seeking power, nothing more...