Approach 10
This is the last approach that I did at that wedding. I saw a cute white girl in a tight black dress, who was dancing really well. For my opener, I said "Hey, you look like you're having the most fun out of anyone here. I like your dancing." I shook her hand, and as I shook it, she held it. That's usually a good sign.
We had a good conversation. Turns out she was an elementary school teacher. Which is nice, because I want to fvck a teacher and a waitress. Two things on my bucket list. She responded pretty well to my teases and kino.
I decided to try and move her around the venue, by saying "You should come to the bar and get another drink with me." She failed my compliance test by saying she came with her parents and had to leave. So I decided to just get her number.
She said "Yeah, make sure to text me. I'm always in x city."
I ended up breaking my own Roosh rule, I decided to text her that night instead of the next day. The reason being is that I thought it might be smart to try and invite her to an after-party.
She never responded to my first text, so I can only conclude that the girl has a weak attraction for me. Plus you don't really wanna get phone numbers at night anyways. Much better to go for the Same Night Bang so you don't get your ass flaked on lol.
At night I'm primarily using the Nerdlove Attraction Plan. It's extremely versatile so I can work lots of other stuff in there too. I'm using bits and pieces from Roosh, Todd V, RSD Julian, and others in there as well. Their stuff is very powerful, especially Julian's. Open-Hook-Vibe-Close is a really nice strategy. If I feel like going indirect at night, I just use Roosh's GALNUC Method.
Out of all the methods I've tried at night, I like the Nerdlove Attraction Plan the best. It gives me the extreme flexibility that I need, I've found it to be the most effective for myself personally, and you can work other methods into it too. Plus, I've found its just the easiest method for me to talk and vibe to girls with. I'm a big fan of Nerdlove's stuff.
I know some people are a big fan of Mystery Method, it's phases, and all that. I think that the Mystery Method is a genius book. I learn a lot from it. Especially the bit about cutting conversational threads. But I've found through my previous approaches, whenever I try to lock myself into phases like that(Attraction-Comfort-Seduction) my game ends up coming out horribly.
I agree with Dr. Nerdlove's method more. You're working on building attraction, building comfort, and seducing her ALL AT THE SAME TIME. No need to lock yourself into phases. It's the easiest way I've found for me to run game at night, so I use it. Its very simple so it helps me keep my head clear. Plus I find it just as effective as the Julian stuff lol.
In the day, if I'm going direct it's with the London Daygame Model. If I want to do an indirect approach, it's Roosh's GALNUC model all the way. Love his stuff.