OP, when you sign up for marriage, this is what you get.
Your situation sounds exactly like mine from a number of years ago, with one major exception: I met this Croatian woman at my gym. 11 years younger, hot, great body, smart (Master's degree), good job, responsible, definitely not an AW, no dating apps, etc., etc. So we dated for 3 years, then moved in and lived together for another 6, so a total of 9. The first there years were fantastic, the second three were ok, and by the last three we were roommates and the relationship was apathetic. I totally lost sexual attraction for her, no fault of her own. She stayed good looking with a hot body and she was/is, to this day, one of the most responsible women I have ever met. I just frankly got sick of having the same sex with the same woman. Plus, there were drawbacks like her superior complex, very strong independence to the point of where we did almost everything separately, and lack of verbal communication skills which was really odd for a woman, which all dampened my attraction for her. So after about 9 years, the relationship really fizzled and we ended it. No hard feelings. BUT, I never got married. So when she moved out, I lost $6.00. Yes, she took the salad tongs that weren't hers, lol.
I've been single ever since, many ONS and STRs, but zero LTRs. I'm loving it and will likely never go back to living with a woman or tying myself down. I am and have always been MUCH happier flying solo, but that's just me.
So for you, good job on choosing a responsible, practical woman who's good at managing a household. That should be #1 in any man's mind and #1 on his list of criteria if he wants to get married. That said, NO ONE ever gets the winning lottery ticket. NO ONE gets the highly responsible woman, good job, dependable, good attitude all that stuff AND one who's a porn star in the sack and has Vogue model looks. You mind as well search for Bigfoot and then teach him to tango and mix a martini when you find him because your odds would be better. Life is all about trade-offs, this for that, and what you’re describing is yours.
I'm afraid there's not much you really can do, unless you want to be unfaithful in your marriage. Your woman isn't going to turn into Jenna Jameson overnight and start looking like Bella Thorne. If you do choose to bite the forbidden fruit, keep in mind the ramifications if you (and it's likely) get caught.
Good luck.