COVID is a lie.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2017
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Trump winning again after everything thrown his way the last year alone is going to be that much sweeter tbh


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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It is tyrannical to force everyone to lockdown.
I certainly agree with that.

We basically used a nuclear warhead to kill a fly and the fly is still alive.
Good analogy.

Lol at Dr. Fauci standing in the background wearing a mask today, while others talked about reopening the economy and a vaccine by the end of the year. After he was just saying a few days ago that they shouldn't open the schools this fall. Someone's going to have a field day with that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I hope they don't ever open up the border in Canada to Americans. They are crazy and will likely wipe-out everything we have worked hard to achieve up here. Nobody takes fringe people like this seriously up here. Just a bunch of right-wing Trump supporter fanatics trying to make up some meaning out of their vain lives. Yeah, I'm free, give me COVID!!! I want the right to get infected. People died so I can have the right to get infected if I want, my hard earned freedom!!! Duh!!! Did you inject Lysol or Bleach as your Trump advised? Yeah, listen to him. He's a health expert.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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HA! That's a good one! You mean it is not a rant that gets deleted, because you are a Trumper. It's like Chinese internet around here, support great leader or you don't get to exist.
Not true, overzealous moderator @billtx49 deleted my post as well and it was barely political. I merely pointed out that Biden is a manchurian candidate that isn't even trying to win. And I pointed out that Breadline Bernie was also a manchurian candidate that was just playing his role as well - his role was to purposely lose so as to further the narrative that the progressive left is unelectable and therefore must fall in line with the establishment democrats. It's deja vu of 2016.

For those that aren't aware of the jargon: a manchurian candidate is controlled opposition, basically a puppet.

My post was very mildly political and it was deleted anyways. The left is constantly sipping that victimhood koolaid - it ain't just your posts being targeted by moderators.
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May 23, 2013
Reaction score
Not true, overzealous moderator @billtx49 deleted my post as well and it was barely political.
Yes, I confess that I deleted your political post. Mention the names Bernie, Biden, Trump, Democrat, and Republican in the same post, It’s Political.
As I stated in my unanswered IM to you warning you of the Political Rules violation of your post, your next violation Will result in a Ban as the posted in Anything Else Rules state.

Your next challenge besides adhering to those Rules is, no hijacking threads into the political realm, and any Forum shaming attempt of the other Mod that applied the Penalty points to your account two days ago as a result of your fore mentioned Rules violation……


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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In the Uk we have 40,000 deaths, however no one, knows anyone who actually has this virus!
apart from some unreputable welfare claimants, who smoke richmond super kings, they always know someone who has it

Nurses are just uploading endless selfies on the internet , not quite the bubonic plague is it


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
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Northern CALI USA
I admit I don't follow politics at all... but as just an observer it really seems there's so many both Trump supporters and detractors who are completely closed minded. The supporters think he walks on water and the detractors think everything is his fault.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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I don’t know anyone who has the virus . I lived in New York , San Francisco, London, Tokyo . No one I know has it . I’m 47 years old .Surely if it was that widespread and serious surely , I would know one parison .


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Are you asymptomatic, experience mild symptoms, or you just didn't catch the virus yet? Different people, from all walks of life, including children, very healthy marathon runners at a young age, all across the board are dying horribly from this virus. Sure, lots of people are asymptomatic or have few symptoms but they can pass them to healthy people who can end up dying, that's almost akin to murder.

You don't care about 1 million or 10 million lives? See your example just keeps going higher in body-count. Why did you stop at 10 million? Why not stop at 100 million or half the population, or 3/4 of the population, or how about just leave a million survivors? Where do you draw the line?
Nature at work . Are you going to save all the wildebeast from getting eaten by lions?
I do care . I care about the billions who will get affected by losing their jobs and livilihoods If this lockdown continues.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Money can be made again. The dead can't be brought back.

Nevertheless, I don't have all the answers on this. Everyone seems to want to be right about it and there will be plenty of confirmation bias on both sides when it's all over (or diminished). Bottom line, there's nothing you or I can really do about it other than act in our best interests based on the information we have.
Tell that to people who work no. cruise ship, entertainment, casino , airlines etc


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
How do you know?
All the restaurants, theaters, casinos, gyms, airports etc in the country are closed, which means people are unemployed...... That's observable....

Plus everyone on here knows someone who's out of work whether it's a neighbor, relative or friend.... That's also oberservable....

But how many of us actually know someone that has COVID19? The vast majority of us dont know of anyone (family, friend, or neighbor) that has it....

If you're argument is that most people are asymptotic then that just proves that we shut down the country and wrecked the economy for no reason.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Overall, the virus opened our eyes to some real f-ups our country, and others have made. Like, why in the fark would we have 96% of our meds made in a Communist country? ...and the dam face masks?
"We tried to show them Capitalism", the experts say. More like "It's all about world money". And gambling w/ our lives, without our knowledge or approval. International disrespect driven by greed.

And it bit us in the butt, if this virus is a lie, then it's one we needed to deal with. We need to bring our sh!t back the fu*k home.
That was the real lesson here. Our country and others need to get their heads out of each other's azzes and play the game for survival, not NWO cr@p.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
COVID19 lockdown is 100% politically motivated. And everyone knows which side is doing everything they can to prolong this tyrannical lockdown and why ( orange man bad).....

It's funny how the party that claims to care about the working class are now sacrificing the working class just to strike at the dude in the Oval Office.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
I'll preface this by saying that I don't mean that anyone is right or wrong.

If you went to a hospital you would also observe people with COVID 19. I know at least one person who had it. So what? What someone observes does not equal the statistic that unemployment may be 20%. This is data that was supplied either by the media or gov't through media, and you either choose to accept or reject it. And some unaffected people are panicking over it, just like unaffected people panicked over the disease.

People often show their credulity and incredulity depending on what makes them feel good or correct. Watch the confirmation bias run rampant in the coming weeks on both sides. Of course both sides might be correct (or incorrect), but most people can't seem to hold competing thoughts in their head.
In debate, we would call your statement "How do you know that?" a bear trap. I saw that you were hoping for a response of "The news reported it" or "The gov reported it" then you would respond with something like: "The news/gov reported COVID19 as well, why dont you believe that."

I saved you the trouble and got straight to the point: we can observe mass unemployment because businesses are closed and we all know someone (relative, friend or neighbor) that's lost their job. But none of us know of anyone that's got COVID19....

Doesnt it seem odd that if this virus is so fast-spreading and so lethal that we would at least know of someone in our own personal lives that's died from it?

And if the argument is that most people who contract it are asymptotic then that just proves lockdown was never necessary to begin with....

Again, COVID19 is 100% political.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Nature at work . Are you going to save all the wildebeast from getting eaten by lions?
I do care . I care about the billions who will get affected by losing their jobs and livilihoods If this lockdown continues.
You dont have billions of people in USA. We are talking about the America right?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
In debate, we would call your statement "How do you know that?" a bear trap. I saw that you were hoping for a response of "The news reported it" or "The gov reported it" then you would respond with something like: "The news/gov reported COVID19 as well, why dont you believe that."

I saved you the trouble and got straight to the point: we can observe mass unemployment because businesses are closed and we all know someone (relative, friend or neighbor) that's lost their job. But none of us know of anyone that's got COVID19....

Doesnt it seem odd that if this virus is so fast-spreading and so lethal that we would at least know of someone in our own personal lives that's died from it?

And if the argument is that most people who contract it are asymptotic then that just proves lockdown was never necessary to begin with....

Again, COVID19 is 100% political.
My neighbour across out street died from it. People are better off economically for now because the government money is better than gig or self employment. We have a universal income.experiment that may become policy if a more left wing government comes into power. In fact many people here want the government money to continue and like this.