I wouldn't say to never feel sorry for a woman. That's a bit too far. They're human, too...sort of. Women are children.... perpetually. There are good and bad children; some are downright evil. But, leave children without guidance(i.e, masculine leadership) long enough, and it becomes a 'Lord of the Flies' situation; that's what we're dealing with, in modern society. I mean, you wouldn't hold a five year old boy to the same standards to which you'd hold a grown man, right? And, you wouldn't give the kid enough responsibility to disappoint you in any meaningful way, either. Men have just been duped into believing that women are just small, weak men, that the differences are merely cosmetic. The fact of the matter is that men of every race and culture have more in common with each other than any man has in common with a woman of his own race and culture. That's how vast the differences are between men and women. It far deeper than cosmetic.
I mean I get what you’re saying, but you’re drawing false equivalencies here. I’m saying to never feel sorry for a woman based off of being a woman. I might feel sorry for them as a
person, but not as a
woman. Does that make sense? They have it way too easy to the point where caring about them when you aren’t banging is just bluepill cuckoldry disguised as ‘being a good person’ lol
Also, I judge women based off their CAPACITY to do something, and women have the CAPACITY to not hoe around, do drugs, and get cumdumped just for the sake of it. They clearly have the ability to cook, clean, and care for men in all the ways she described above and whilst not being pieces of crap. They clearly have the ability to be feminine. The fact that it took her a genuinely innocent guy to prey on (he
was innocent, and we know this because she said that his smile and his cheery look and upbeat attitude was different from everyone else’s; these are the exact traits of a person when they are a virgin) in order for her to get her act together and become an actual decent woman (excluding her past, that is) means that they have the capacity to actually be women. But yet, they aren’t. If she was like all these things during her first engagement, do you really think said engagement would have broken off? This is why I said to never feel sorry for women. They have the capacity to do all of what I had just wrote, yet they simply don’t. Why? I’m not gonna feel sorry for them when they brought on all their misery themselves. Especially when there’s no need to either—they’ll always have someone else taking care of them.
So yeah, never feel sorry for a woman. Unless she’s in one of those war-torn countries like Yemen or smth lol