Born-again virgins; is it always alpha fux/beta bux?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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I’m not a doctor, but I automatically diagnose any woman who says this with a cluster B personality disorder.
It’s a Marilyn Monroe quote and the women that idolize her are usually fvcked in the head 10 ways from Sunday.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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x2 and also have many gay male friends. LOL
I don’t even think the gays can stand being around them anymore. I see less and less women with gay male friends.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
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I don’t even think the gays can stand being around them anymore. I see less and less women with gay male friends.
It could be dependent on the area. There's tons of gay guys around my area that are always going out with single overweight females around where I live.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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You can take the *** out of the dumpster, but the fact remains, it's still a dumpster.

Sounds like she hot the epiphany phase and found a man naive enough to believe she actually holds value. Hopefully, the guy has the cojones to keep this relationship on the straight and narrow.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Lets see if that type of relationship lasts more than 9 months. (Honeymoon phase should be over by this time). She will have some hangups where he will notice something is off with her. Maybe its the way she looksnat or flirts with a Chad while he is next to her in public or something else while he feels she forgot about him at that moment.
Idk, I do think she might have actually put it all behind her now but the damage is done. I doubt he will actually care since he read this post like us bc she said that they “share an account” and that he actually cried tears of joy when he read this... so yeah...

I think it’s over for him.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I'm going to play devil's advocate right here. Isn't it hypocritical to judge a woman for getting ****ed while we are some promiscuous sons of bitches ourselves? I mean obviously this guy ****ed up because his past is literally squeaky clean and hers is well, not so clean. We have to realize that they don't make women like they made 'em in the 60s anymore. If she actually treats him like a king and ****s him very regularly and KEEPS doing this then there's nothing wrong with him giving her his time and attention. I still think he should go out and live the lifestyle himself but ultimately if he feels true happiness who are we to tell him "your girls a filthy slut bro"? Maybe she really changed, maybe her demons will play up sometime in the coming months/years (likely), nobody knows but at least he's gaining experience and he's taking a shot at life opposed to sitting there being an incel. And if he gets his heartbroken he will most likely end up learning about the red pill. I mean he does sound like a lil ***** because all the qualities she's given him make him sound like a huge dork instead of a man she's really attracted to but whatever. In the end all we need is a ***** who drools over us because aside from all the "game" and **** that is still the most important quality there is, if she thinks you look like a Greek God she'll do everything you want and more.
Read what I quoted. I was talking about flaws, not dealbreakers like being a *** dumpster. I wouldn't even give the woman a chance with me because she's low quality but you man are so angry that some dork does give her a chance. Let him make the mistake and watch it hopefully be life altering for him.
Bro I think you’re missing the point here:

Its dudes like these who make women believe that they deserve the best no matter how slutty or screwed up their past is. It’s dudes like these that make women think they deserve to have a fairytale romance with a dude who is way better of a human being than her. These dudes are the problems in society. She should have stayed jaded for years to come (possibly forever) until she realized that all the problems and unhappiness in her life was her fault. But instead, we have captain save-a-hoe here bailing her out and giving her the dream life when she didn’t do anything to deserve it. I sound like s jealous ***** right now lmao but it’s because she’s the same type of woman to blame men for her problems and be rude to them for the sake of ‘breaking the patriarchy’, so no, she *actually* doesn’t deserve what she has*. And after all these other women read it, they’re going to feel the same way, i.e. I can slut it up in my younger years and still get a Prince Charming who will ‘accept me for who I am’. Like what? It’s damn near satanic how twisted and contorted this stuff is.

I think you got lost in the framing of her words bro, you gotta remain objective about this stuff. I might seem anything but in my post, but it’s only because of my objectivity. Look at the type of girl she is and the type of guy he is, and whether or not she actually deserves him and vice versa. This is where the problems arise. She’s just another woman who is getting bailed out after her reckless behavior. It happens for women all the time. And so long as it keeps happening, things aren’t gonna get better for us men. If she was actually a good person, she would have changed BEFORE meeting him, not after. Makes you wonder if this is really all just an act... The craziest part of all is the fact that she even put on this facade in the first place, it really goes to show that women actually do know what makes a great woman, that they actually do know how to be great partners, and that most women just chose not to be one lol RIP


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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It could be dependent on the area. There's tons of gay guys around my area that are always going out with single overweight females around where I live.
Well, yeah, the fatties might still have some they hang around. The ones that think their sh!t don’t stink and get by on their looks, are losing gay friends. They can’t even get a simp


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2019
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-1 for being so friggin long winded. Shes obviously led a troubled life and is trying to do better so props for that. Problem is that she will soon be bored by all of this and will begin to cheat while letting this poor sap pay all of her bills. Will probably get him to knock her up as well before leaving. Then between child support and govt assistance she will be able to go back to her natural state and let grandma or some random stranger raise the kid who will, in turn, grow up to be just like her. Its a vicious cycle.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I wouldn't say to never feel sorry for a woman. That's a bit too far. They're human, too...sort of. Women are children.... perpetually. There are good and bad children; some are downright evil. But, leave children without guidance(i.e, masculine leadership) long enough, and it becomes a 'Lord of the Flies' situation; that's what we're dealing with, in modern society. I mean, you wouldn't hold a five year old boy to the same standards to which you'd hold a grown man, right? And, you wouldn't give the kid enough responsibility to disappoint you in any meaningful way, either. Men have just been duped into believing that women are just small, weak men, that the differences are merely cosmetic. The fact of the matter is that men of every race and culture have more in common with each other than any man has in common with a woman of his own race and culture. That's how vast the differences are between men and women. It far deeper than cosmetic.
I mean I get what you’re saying, but you’re drawing false equivalencies here. I’m saying to never feel sorry for a woman based off of being a woman. I might feel sorry for them as a person, but not as a woman. Does that make sense? They have it way too easy to the point where caring about them when you aren’t banging is just bluepill cuckoldry disguised as ‘being a good person’ lol

Also, I judge women based off their CAPACITY to do something, and women have the CAPACITY to not hoe around, do drugs, and get cumdumped just for the sake of it. They clearly have the ability to cook, clean, and care for men in all the ways she described above and whilst not being pieces of crap. They clearly have the ability to be feminine. The fact that it took her a genuinely innocent guy to prey on (he was innocent, and we know this because she said that his smile and his cheery look and upbeat attitude was different from everyone else’s; these are the exact traits of a person when they are a virgin) in order for her to get her act together and become an actual decent woman (excluding her past, that is) means that they have the capacity to actually be women. But yet, they aren’t. If she was like all these things during her first engagement, do you really think said engagement would have broken off? This is why I said to never feel sorry for women. They have the capacity to do all of what I had just wrote, yet they simply don’t. Why? I’m not gonna feel sorry for them when they brought on all their misery themselves. Especially when there’s no need to either—they’ll always have someone else taking care of them.

So yeah, never feel sorry for a woman. Unless she’s in one of those war-torn countries like Yemen or smth lol


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2019
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@ImTheDoubleGreatest! there is no greater teacher than experience. Experience can also be a very harsh teacher but that's what makes it so good. Will things work out for this couple? I wouldn't bet on it but maybe it does. In any case this guy will at least get some knowledge that he obviously needs. I get your point about guys like this fvcking it up for everyone else and how things wont change if this keeps happening, but I think things are changing in a very slow way and I think it's because guys like this are getting Fvcked and it's waking them up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I can remember my first experience with women - going to the teen disco at age 14, LOL - and somehow my group got with a group of 12 year old chicks, and this one chick went "steady" with each of us for a few weeks or so. She wouldn't do anything with us other than kissing, but evidently she had been a slut earlier in her life. :eek: Something tells me she's living at a trailer park these days. :whistle: