Came across this gem....


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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The Easiest Way To Revive A Flagging Relationship
Uncategorized / Leave a Comment / By kingsoftheweb
Beta backsliding is a fact of life. Even the hardest alphas will occasionally show flashes of humanity that rev their women’s **** testing engines. Most of these moments are brief and dismissible, but woe to the man who can’t recognize his embetafying ineptitude; he will slowly lose dominant control of his relationships until one day he’s so scared of his woman that he believes her when she says she’ll leave him if he goes through with a paternity test.
When you become experienced with women your alert system for beta backsliding is so honed that you can tell within seconds of your woman pulling away from you which of your behaviors was the cause. When your awareness of the sexual matrix is fully advanced, you will even be able to tell with frightening accuracy how your woman will react to your behavior *before she has reacted*. Like aural bullets of **** tests flying at you from all directions, your Neo Game will slow time and warp space, stopping her **** tests in front of you, which you then send right back at her with double the force. A master of female psychology (MFP) is indistinguishable from a clairvoyant, predicting women’s actions before they have happened based on nothing more than a well-developed understanding of a woman’s animal nature.
The day will come when you get so good at this that you will throw beta chum in the water just to amuse yourself with her predictable response, in much the same way women amuse themselves by wrapping lesser men around their fingers with ostentatious displays of cleavage or flirty signals of sexual interest.
Which brings us to our question: What does a man do when he has lost the upper hand and his relationship is on the fast track to fail if he doesn’t take steps to arrest it? First, he must assess what led him to his predicament. Did he hug her too tightly in public? Did he make kissy face with her in front of other men? Did he nestle his head in her lap? Did he say “sorry”? Did he cry after sex? Did he do all of these things plus tell her she’s beautiful? If so, then he shouldn’t be surprised if she complains about his PDA, or moans about spending too much time together.
When a woman pulls back, a typical man’s instinct will be to try and fix his flagging relationship. Men do; that’s how we’re designed. Unfortunately, more often than not this male instinct to action will drive the nails into the coffin of his dying relationship. Most men overreact, either in the beta direction or the alpha direction. A beta will coo and pout and swarm with rays of undying love until his woman is repulsed and leaves him with her heart light and unburdened. An alpha will control and demean and lash out like an angry tyrant until his woman falls into the arms of a more charming man.
I have a better way. My advice is so simple that any man — from alpha to omega — can follow it with success. It’s this:
The easiest way to revive a flagging relationship is to cut off all contact.
That’s it. No routines to memorize, no alpha body language to learn, no reframing required; just one simple solution: Cut off all contact. No phone calls, no texts, no emails, no midnight drive-bys at her apartment. Nothing until she reinitiates contact with you.
And I guarantee that nine out of ten times she *will* reinitiate contact. Women cannot resist chasing a man who has made himself unavailable. The disappearing act is every man’s ace in the hole; women are nearly powerless to it. They have no defense. All it requires of the man is willpower. If you find it hard to be away from your woman’s ***** for more than a day, then you will have to find substitutes while in the No Contact Zone. A man on top of his game will have other women to service him. Lesser men will need to turn to porn or hookers. Or eat a lot of tofu and lick plastic bottles to lower his testosterone.
Depending on length of relationship and severity of the man’s beta offense, the No Contact Zone can last anywhere from a couple of days to a month. The beauty of this solution to revive a dying relationship is that even those rare times when she does not reinitiate contact you will have saved yourself time and energy dating a woman who was likely to dump you soon anyhow. And on the flimsiest pretext, like getting a smile from a high status bike messenger.
Note that I did not say this is the *best* method for rescuing a relationship on the rocks. I said it was the easiest method with the highest return for the minimal investment. If you’re a busy guy who can’t be bothered to run expert level effortless-seeming game, or if you’re a recovering beta who isn’t yet confident enough in his LTR game to risk a more proactive approach to a dying LTR, then the No Contact Zone is for you.
There’s one other thing you must know. If you don’t do this final step the right way then your No Contact Zone game will be for naught. Assuming she reinitiates contact (and she likely will), expect her to say something like this:
“Hey there! Haven’t heard from you in a while. What have you been up to?”
If your No Contact Zone game hit the mark, you will detect a hint of nervousness in her voice. Congratulations, sir, you have regained hand. BUT… you can lose it all if you in any way ACKNOWLEDGE the No Contact ruse. Like Fight Club, the first rule is to not talk about it. That means you act as if NOTHING IS UNUSUAL about your calculated time away from her.
“Hey, what’s up! Eh you know, the usual stuff, work, life. Did I tell you about my new hobby? Single malt scotch… oh yeeeah.”
This will, naturally, drive her mentally insane. Fitfully for us men, mental insanity in women triggers seismic gina tremors. She will invite herself over for (in her mind) make up sex. Your job is to step aside and let the hamster in her head spin itself to exhaustion as you fornicate to the wee hours.
One more thing. If she presses you on your absence, say by asking “Why haven’t you called me?”, you deny complicity in her frame. In other words, don’t allow yourself to get entrapped by her frame by answering defensively. Either deny her accusation (“You’re very forgetful. I called you a few days ago.”) or reframe the conversation to a focus on her clinginess (“I didn’t know I was supposed to call you every single second of the day. Aw, it’s cute that you think about me so much. Adorable!”)
Played right, No Contact Zone game is absolutely devastating to a woman’s sense of relationship entitlement and her bloated hypergamous ego.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Believe me this works and allows you to regain back some power. Instead of telling her off to let her know my boundaries etc I just ghosted her. She reached out in 16 days. Then she was eating from my hands.
Many men can sense when they are on the backfoot with their chick. Most of them then try to negotiate and win back the prior position (betas will be supplicate, alphas will scold) but this just makes it worse.

Best thing to do is cut off all contact. If she never reaches out again, then you would have saved time and hassle. Hardest part of this is the willpower not to reach out to her first.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Well you shouldn’t be married or have a live in gf in the first place ! But obviously this is much harder to do in this situation.


Jan 17, 2020
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This is the dumbest thing i have ever read, going no contact for a month?

Women have options, she will move on and if she really cared she would think your dead.

I understand a few days of no contact but a month isnway too much


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
This is the dumbest thing i have ever read, going no contact for a month?

Women have options, she will move on and if she really cared she would think your dead.

I understand a few days of no contact but a month isnway too much
Seems like you didn't read the post. It's NC until she reaches out, which might be indefinately if she doesn't, which is highly unlikely.
When she withdraws, you withdraw. Silence and distance can say more than million words could, that's what experience has taught men when it comes to women. I'd argue that the distance is not only good for getting her hamster into overdrive, it will also give the man some well needed space and clearity to sit down and get his sh1t back together and hopefully work on his frame and that "change" in him is more noticable when it's been a break of sorts.

What would you suggest as the solution for a dying relationship, as in her interest level is dropping?

Women have options, she will move on and if she really cared she would think your dead.
This is coming from a scarcity mindset that implies that you've to act somehow. If your gf moves on because of you going NC then it was already completely over and nothing you could've done.

Note that I did not say this is the *best* method for rescuing a relationship on the rocks. I said it was the easiest method with the highest return for the minimal investment.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
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Excellent post. Agree 100%

I especially like the bit about the "brief beta moments" that seem so harmless but are in fact so DEADLY. This is so true. Sometimes all it takes is a split second of a sentence. I know a girl who recently dumped a guy, revealing the moment that her opinion of him changed beyond repair. He suggested they "buy a cat together". And that was all it took. His 8 inch d!ck and 6 months of a stable relationship was all flushed down the toilet and counted for nothing



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
Excellent post. Agree 100%

I especially like the bit about the "brief beta moments" that seem so harmless but are in fact so DEADLY. This is so true. Sometimes all it takes is a split second of a sentence. I know a girl who recently dumped a guy, revealing the moment that her opinion of him changed beyond repair. He suggested they "buy a cat together". And that was all it took. His 8 inch d!ck and 6 months of a stable relationship was all flushed down the toilet and counted for nothing

I can't recall where right now but i recently heard an interview with a female UFC fighter who was in a good LTR with this other male UFC fighter. If you're in the UFC you're at the top of your game and one of the best fighters in the world.
So they fought at the same gala and he had his match before her so she could watch him fight. Now during his fight he went down to the floor and the other fighter got the upper hand and started some ground and pound. He protected himself in a normal instinctive fashion with raising his hands to avoid the hard punches coming at him, like any normal human being would in that case.
His gf saw this and said in the interview that she couldn't stand watching him there in that weak moment like a defenseless little boy and THIS was the reason she broke up with him and she also stated that their relationship was generally good up to that point. She expected him to just take it in the face like a man, instead of trying to protect himself.

Brutal indeed.


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2019
Reaction score
Good post, I agree. I think we have all fallen into this trap atleast once in our life. Walking away, focusing on my purpose would have made such a big difference.

Why waste time on a low to medium level interested woman? (For LTR)


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2019
Reaction score
I can't recall where right now but i recently heard an interview with a female UFC fighter who was in a good LTR with this other male UFC fighter. If you're in the UFC you're at the top of your game and one of the best fighters in the world.
So they fought at the same gala and he had his match before her so she could watch him fight. Now during his fight he went down to the floor and the other fighter got the upper hand and started some ground and pound. He protected himself in a normal instinctive fashion with raising his hands to avoid the hard punches coming at him, like any normal human being would in that case.
His gf saw this and said in the interview that she couldn't stand watching him there in that weak moment like a defenseless little boy and THIS was the reason she broke up with him and she also stated that their relationship was generally good up to that point. She expected him to just take it in the face like a man, instead of trying to protect himself.

Brutal indeed.
I think she was a guest on Joe Rogan's podcast and they talked about it in the interview.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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His gf saw this and said in the interview that she couldn't stand watching him there in that weak moment like a defenseless little boy and THIS was the reason she broke up with him and she also stated that their relationship was generally good up to that point. She expected him to just take it in the face like a man, instead of trying to protect himself.

Brutal indeed.
I'd say he dodged a bullet.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I agree. And this is why plate spinning theory is key here.

If you leave yourself at the mercy of one woman and your relationship is so important that you'll do ANYTHING to save it, you've lost your power and your frame.

There needs to be some accountability for women to save a relationship that's on the rocks. If you're doing all the work, it's time to walk. She's low quality and doesn't deserve your attention. A quality woman would never put you in the position in which you have to play games.

A lot of guys just have that scarcity mindset that compels them to save their relationship with a woman thinking that there is no one better out there, or that they cannot just be single. Going NC isn't really to get her back it's to give you relief from your gf so you can be your own person again.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I can't recall where right now but i recently heard an interview with a female UFC fighter who was in a good LTR with this other male UFC fighter. If you're in the UFC you're at the top of your game and one of the best fighters in the world.
So they fought at the same gala and he had his match before her so she could watch him fight. Now during his fight he went down to the floor and the other fighter got the upper hand and started some ground and pound. He protected himself in a normal instinctive fashion with raising his hands to avoid the hard punches coming at him, like any normal human being would in that case.
His gf saw this and said in the interview that she couldn't stand watching him there in that weak moment like a defenseless little boy and THIS was the reason she broke up with him and she also stated that their relationship was generally good up to that point. She expected him to just take it in the face like a man, instead of trying to protect himself.

Brutal indeed.
Excellent post. Agree 100%

I especially like the bit about the "brief beta moments" that seem so harmless but are in fact so DEADLY. This is so true. Sometimes all it takes is a split second of a sentence. I know a girl who recently dumped a guy, revealing the moment that her opinion of him changed beyond repair. He suggested they "buy a cat together". And that was all it took. His 8 inch d!ck and 6 months of a stable relationship was all flushed down the toilet and counted for nothing

These are some atomic redpills here...


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
OP while this is fine and good as a reminder, we do have a No Contact thread stickied to the top of the forum lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I can't recall where right now but i recently heard an interview with a female UFC fighter who was in a good LTR with this other male UFC fighter. If you're in the UFC you're at the top of your game and one of the best fighters in the world.
So they fought at the same gala and he had his match before her so she could watch him fight. Now during his fight he went down to the floor and the other fighter got the upper hand and started some ground and pound. He protected himself in a normal instinctive fashion with raising his hands to avoid the hard punches coming at him, like any normal human being would in that case.
His gf saw this and said in the interview that she couldn't stand watching him there in that weak moment like a defenseless little boy and THIS was the reason she broke up with him and she also stated that their relationship was generally good up to that point. She expected him to just take it in the face like a man, instead of trying to protect himself.

Brutal indeed.
So my man utilized a proper guard upon his face when he was in an exposed position and she tripped on him? That's fvcked


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
That’s different . That’s for when you get dumped . This is a way to regain some power if your relationship is on life support.
Yeah sometimes they’ll **** w/ some other dudes and cheat on you during this time period then hit you back up. So it’s really a gamble imo


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah sometimes they’ll **** w/ some other dudes and cheat on you during this time period then hit you back up. So it’s really a gamble imo
Possible yes. In that case the relationship was going to end anyway . At least you saved the time and mental energy by not chasing and working on other things.
They maybe already cheating on you hence the radio silence .


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I know a girl who recently dumped a guy, revealing the moment that her opinion of him changed beyond repair. He suggested they "buy a cat together". And that was all it took. His 8 inch d!ck and 6 months of a stable relationship was all flushed down the toilet and counted for nothing
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.