Thing about simps is that reality teaches them real quick through pain. And then it becomes a matter of how much pain they can tolerate. But no matter how much they suffer, they never wise up and turn on their goddesses. They turn on their fellow man instead. Like a house negro that's happy to live in the plantation so long as he gets treated a little bit better. Maybe he gets a "like" on instagram.
It's not like they are clueless. They know exactly what they are doing - through PAIN. Noone can simp without indescribable pain. For every action, there's an equal reaction. Noone is a victim. The Universe teaches you really quick what works and what doesn't work DESPITE your social conditioning. Simping will get you cucked relentlessly.
They all chose their lot in life DESPITE the pain. . We cannot feel sorry for them, but pity them, steal their lunch money, give them wedgies, cuck them in front of their female friends, and remind them as much as we can of the pain they put themselves in. Failure to do so would be a disservice to them. When you want to condition a coward, you punch him in the face until he has enough and hits you back. That's how men grow - since the beginning of mankind. The guy who gets bullied becomes the more ferocious fighter. The guy with the biggest chip on his shoulder ends up winning the most championships.
Seems like society has forgotten how men are conditioned. Everywhere you look, you see nothing but excuses, sympathy, and coddling. A guy can only transform when he is thrown into the fire and told "Thrive or die."