The gall that the american ruling class has to send the country into a frenzy over some sort of "russian interference" while America has sponsored wars, paramilitaries, bombings, coups, assassinations, corrupt dictatorships and juntas and economic warfare since the time Smedley D Butler wrote War is a Racket to things like Operation Condor to the time John Perkins wrote Confessions of an Economic Hitman and continuing, from the Americas to Africa to Asia to MENA and even using the CIA to help depose prime minister Gough Whitlam in its own "ally" Australia 1975.. the sheer gall and hypocrisy is mind boggling....
Then you have the accusations that China is installing backdoors into their export tech, while America has already been doing the exact same thing for ages as revealed by for example the Snowden whistleblowing...
Claiming to be the leader of the "free world" while having the most corrupt healthcare system in the world, and a far greater percent of its own population in for profit prison than any other country in deliberate attacks on its own population through things like Operation Mockingbird and the War on "Drugs", and being in bed with regimes like Saudi Arabia... the gall is so ****ing unbelievable.