I think at some point of age (+30) and after some amount of experience with women, there's no trust to be given anymore. It may sound pessimistic, but you can limit your lack of trust to minimum only if she is mother of your children (children, not child) and much lower on SMV scale than you are.
The thing with DJ skills is that you can pick up women that are on par or slightly above your own SMV level but it doesn't mean that you have the staying power to keep them. Moreover this forum is full of guys that need to study female and male behaviour because they have some deficiency in these aspects (I'm definitely man that had to study than man that undestood it intuitively).
This often means that your experience with women will be somewhat lacking or you will see the short end of the stick/bad behaviour from them more often than not. Sometimes you will add your own piece of s.hitty behaviour to their poor behaviour that creates nowadays social dynamics. When I think about my experience, it mostly confirms what we all know already:
- my first woman cheated on her bf with me and wanted to monkey branch to me (he made a mistake of admitting to cheating on her to her) so I got three lessons in one
- one of the 'good-girls' that wanted to date me when I was in college tried to ruin my reputation behind my back when I told her I slept with another woman (funny thing is I found about it just recently)
- several girls threw their pussies to me quickly in order to capture me for their own purpose (I quickly evaded them after having sex with them)
- my borderline ex pretty much stalked me when I was in narcisstic mode and I fell for her easily, in spite of all ups and downs, she is the only woman I truly loved in romantic sense
- I've dated fashion journalist that was pretty much broken by hitting the wall and parting with alcohol and drugs, she was leftist as phuck
- I've dated 'good girl' from good family that was at peak of her game, really sexy, told me she loved me and I'm the best thing that ever happened to her, still left me in very cold manner (she knew she wanted to leave me before holidays we spent together but didn't want to make fuss out of planned holidays so pretended interest until we went back from the trip)
- I've slept with 30+ year old bombshell that pretty much used me as a bargain tool to force her alpha to beta-mode to marry her and give her offspring
So in spite of trying to understand woman and play them to phuck them, there's always some price to pay for the sex and interest - sometimes its money and your time, sometimes its a piece of your soul (I'd say it's the most valuable thing that's on the stake when you enter the relationship) and more often than not, they want to get back at you if they feel your disrespect or lack of attention so I'd say it's better to leave them alone/no contact as soon as you start to notice drop in interest level (just leave them alone, no other emergency solution to pull them in will help you).
Now I tend to think that love is reserved only for the person that will be with you for good and for bad - so it's more than less possible that man at my age that is single may never find a woman worthy of this feeling. I think mature man (30+) needs to accept this possibility and carry on with apex of his strenght used elsewhere, gaming woman but not really caring about them until they DESERVE to be cared about (which is after several months of dating, she needs to WORK to GAIN your interest and trust, otherwise it will not work).
Most of us like to forget that females reach PEAK of their GAME LEVEL when they are 26 or 27 - at this age they have seen it all, they have dating experience that may be well above dating experience of 40 year old average guy (seriously) so you may be still more romantic in terms of feelings than them - they are playing game with their as.s, boobs and smile since they are 14 or so. That's why if you want LOVE from them, you need to pick the fresh fruit from the tree, not try to bite an apple that was already bitten many times by other guys. So either eat it all at once or just bite it and pass it further with no remorse.
What is funny, women around my age (+/-35) may have less experience than young chicks (instagram/Tinder/facebook really speed up the process of co.ck-carouselling for women). Add dancing lessons and holidays flings. Once you are drinking coffee with 27 year old female, look deep into her eyes and tell me if you see any emotions. Most often than not, if she is attractive, you won't see the spark or the thrill. You are just another guy in the line. You are another plate.
When I think about my mistakes, there were many and I repeated them because I felt I'm inadequate more often than not - leading with money, bragging, lacking self-assurance, faking confidence, whining, losing frame too often etc. alpha women are for alpha men. I was just good at luring some of them to bed but did I really got what I wanted from life? I don't think so.
I can't say I was responsible for all misfortunes in my life, but I was responsible for some of them for sure.
I've managed to deal with most of my deficiencies at this point but I still need to work on myself.
Females are nature indicator of your own level of game - if you want top shelf prize in life, you need to work hard for it if you are not lucky (good looks, intellect and money), most guys have only some of those assets and their importance also tend to change in life (I see now that money/status start to be more important factor when I date than it was 5 or 6 ago, ex. women expect me to be more succesful when I am +30 than when I was +20).
For sure it's the best time for me to date (I was beta as phuck when I was 16-27) and I plan to capitalise on it, but I'm not looking for NAWALT anymore.
My father was ridiculously lucky guy (he was picked up by my 9/10 mother when he was 16) and he didn't taught me a thing about women because he didn't know a lot himself. He never knew how it is to be left by a woman that you love, what pickup really means, how it is to struggle to find valuable woman when you are 30+ guy. He was just lucky.
Some guys are lucky this way or another, some guys are not. That's all. Fairness has nothing to do with it. Concentrate your life and do what you need to do to make it better then take the best woman that will show her sumbissive side to you - nothing else you can do really if you are not a natural alpha.
Sure you can steal other guy's woman (I could do it several times in my life) but if you can do it, you are mostly not interested in it really unless she is really valuable gem (most of them are not).
"Go after your own purpose. Always" - single, or not.