You can't win this game with women and sex because the rules are heavily stacked against you

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
If you've been around for long enough, maybe you might have noticed something off with the so call game.
Maybe you've heard about feminism. Or going red pill, or blue pill, or purple. Maybe you heard about the manosphere.
In the old days there were the term PUA and AFC. I'm not even sure they are being used anymore. There's a lot of BS going around.

But if there's only one thing I want everyone to know, if deep down you are thinking that the game is setup for you to fail you are absolutely right.
There is a matrix and the matrix is that the everything about modern game is heavily stacked against men. That means you.
And everything about modern is designed for women.

Just think about it for a moment.
You came to this site because you might have had your heart broken and that motivated you to educate yourself about women.
You study and became good and picking up women.
You got yourself a hot girlfriend.
If you're lucky she might stay and marry you.

But is that really winning?
Because once she marry you, she got you trapped and can decide to divorce rape you at any given moment.

I've decided the game is more trouble then it's worth.
Some would say to move to a different country. But the disease has spread worldwide.
Yes I mean that. It's time to wake up and realize what is going on in today's dating culture is a disease that is infecting civilization.
You can't fight this trend and more then you can stop the sun and moon from rising.

But what you need to do is to start thinking of alternative strategies.
I understand it's a fact that men have sex drives and needs.
But what I'm want you to know is that today's sexual culture have made sex toxic.

Sex has become a trap for men.
Be prepared to lose if you want to keep playing this game with the rules heavily stacked against you.
Because the only way to win is to not play this game at all.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Sex is surprisngly easy to get as long as you aren't a desperate creep and actually are willing to put a moderate amount of effort into obtaining it.

Anyone who says otherwise either wants it to fall into their lap without any effort on their part or is a desperate creep who turns women off.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
So you’re giving up and buying a sex doll.

Good for you.

Here’s a discussion forum that may serve you better than SS

Good luck.

Oh, wait. Are you here to recruit?
I'm Glad you pointed that out.
No I'm not interested in a sex doll.
I prefer just porn and masturbation and it gets me off quick. It's cheap and doesn't take a lot of time to find good porn.
Where when I had to date a girl..there's a lot of cost money and time I have to waste just to get sex with her.

What you missed in my OP is that the COST and RISK you are doing to get Sex does not match the Reward.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Sex is surprisngly easy to get as long as you aren't a desperate creep and actually are willing to put a moderate amount of effort into obtaining it.
Anyone who says otherwise either wants it to fall into their lap without any effort on their part or is a desperate creep who turns women off.
I'm attractive btw. But I'm also smart.

What is Sex but a way to get your balls off.
But then you have to deal with all the problem that a girl can bring.
Porn and Masturbation can do the same thing.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
I recently met a blonde at a boulder that we both sat on with a cup of coffee she bought herself. Chatted for a little while. I liked talking to her.
Second date was sex at my place.
What was the cost and risk not worth the reward there?
If you like going out with a different woman each week and sexing them.
Then I supposed you got a good deal.
I hope the sex was worth it.
After awhile sex with a lot of girls feels more or less the same thing. Same routine each time.
It would be good if you got something out of it that you can use (like being paid)
But likely the interaction cost you something. Maybe time if not money.
To me, unless the interaction builds towards a relationship or marriage, it didn't add anything to your life.

My message is for 90% of other men who might one day be looking for a wife.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Like this? Lol.

I think you're too dumb to understand. That's why you laugh so much.


If you like going out with a different woman each week and sexing them.
Then I supposed you got a good deal.
I hope the sex was worth it.
After awhile sex with a lot of girls feels more or less the same thing. Same routine each time.
It would be good if you got something out of it that you can use (like being paid)
But likely the interaction cost you something. Maybe time if not money.
To me, unless the interaction builds towards a relationship or marriage, it didn't add anything to your life.

My message is for 90% of other men who might one day be looking for a wife.
I'll back you up here, as I see truth in what you're saying.

Casual dating/sex is really just a time killer. Are there pleasures in it? Sure. It also brings a lot of drama and risk of unwanted pregnancies and STDs.

We talk a lot about living with purpose on this forum, but most of our conversations about women are based in hedonism and ego. We like getting our rocks off with new women and it makes us feel sexually worthy. But these are mostly fleeting.

A couple of generations ago, a man's mission was his devotion to God and to provide for his family. Things that added to the foundation of a strong society and provided a lasting legacy. These days all we worry about is our own comfort and sensual pleasure.

I'm not riding on a high horse here, as I'm also guilty of this solipsism. Just saying.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
If you like going out with a different woman each week and sexing them.
Then I supposed you got a good deal.
I hope the sex was worth it.
After awhile sex with a lot of girls feels more or less the same thing. Same routine each time.
It would be good if you got something out of it that you can use (like being paid)
But likely the interaction cost you something. Maybe time if not money.
To me, unless the interaction builds towards a relationship or marriage, it didn't add anything to your life.

My message is for 90% of other men who might one day be looking for a wife.
Then you are simply either bad at sex or very unimaginative in the bedroom.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
I think you’re resorting to calling me dumb because your sex strike thread isn’t going quite like you had anticipated.

What’s it like being a male feminist?
Where did you get the idea I was calling for a sex strike?
Nope you misread what I said.
Pursue sex with women but you shouldn't make it your main focus because it's also a trap.
If you make it your main focus you'll fail.
However, there will be periods when you can't get sex. But that doesn't make your sex drive go away.
Also women uses sex as a trap. You can continue but it's bad if you're not aware it's a trap.
Female mantis eat their mate after sex. FYI.

I called you dumb because you keep arguing with me with dumb arguments.
Like you can't take a minute to come up with any ideas to write down.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
I recently met a blonde at a boulder that we both sat on with a cup of coffee she bought herself. Chatted for a little while. I liked talking to her.

Second date was sex at my place.

What was the cost and risk not worth the reward there?
So I can assume that coffee date went very well then lol

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Then you are simply either bad at sex or very unimaginative in the bedroom.
I guess you must some kind of sex diety that sex women up and gives them wild orgasm.
Do I have to ask for your advice or are you just waiting to give it up?
Whatever dude. You're worst then the last guy. Ignore.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I guess you must some kind of sex diety that sex women up and gives them wild orgasm.
Do I have to ask for your advice or are you just waiting to give it up?
Whatever dude. You're worst then the last guy. Ignore.
Anything to protect your fragile ego i guess...


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
I debated whether or not to respond to this... but all I'm really going to say about this is that women, dating, and sex is not a 'game' you 'play'... it's part of a life you live. Your goal should not be to 'get chicks' it should be to live the best life and version of, and for yourself. Then invite women into you circle of fun and see which ones are open to you.

It's the difference between pushing a wet noodle and pulling that noodle across the table.


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
If you've been around for long enough, maybe you might have noticed something off with the so call game.
Maybe you've heard about feminism. Or going red pill, or blue pill, or purple. Maybe you heard about the manosphere.
In the old days there were the term PUA and AFC. I'm not even sure they are being used anymore. There's a lot of BS going around.

But if there's only one thing I want everyone to know, if deep down you are thinking that the game is setup for you to fail you are absolutely right.
There is a matrix and the matrix is that the everything about modern game is heavily stacked against men. That means you.
And everything about modern is designed for women.

Just think about it for a moment.
You came to this site because you might have had your heart broken and that motivated you to educate yourself about women.
You study and became good and picking up women.
You got yourself a hot girlfriend.
If you're lucky she might stay and marry you.

But is that really winning?
Because once she marry you, she got you trapped and can decide to divorce rape you at any given moment.

I've decided the game is more trouble then it's worth.
Some would say to move to a different country. But the disease has spread worldwide.
Yes I mean that. It's time to wake up and realize what is going on in today's dating culture is a disease that is infecting civilization.
You can't fight this trend and more then you can stop the sun and moon from rising.

But what you need to do is to start thinking of alternative strategies.
I understand it's a fact that men have sex drives and needs.
But what I'm want you to know is that today's sexual culture have made sex toxic.

Sex has become a trap for men.
Be prepared to lose if you want to keep playing this game with the rules heavily stacked against you.
Because the only way to win is to not play this game at all.
A defeatest piss poor attitude never served anyone well in life.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
The problem here is that you made a thread with a premise that you're apparently so invested in, that you cannot see the argument I'm providing. Instead, you call me dumb in order to preserve your ego.

In your OP, you clearly make marriage out to be a losing proposition; the end result of the trappings in having sex. Yet you turn around and say this when arguing with me:

I can understand not making sex a priority, and I would agree with that. I can understand the trapping of sex, and I would agree with that. But you assume because I sleep with different women, that I am avoiding marriage and find happiness in the empty pursuit of sex. That, somehow, I am avoiding an intimacy and the development of a more meaningful relationship while doing this.

Perhaps you missed the "90 Day Challenge" thread stickied to the top of this forum in which, upon my return, I dumped my entire rotation to pursue thing with one woman? Perhaps it does not occur to you the only reason I sleep with different women is because I'm still looking for one worthy to marry to begin with? Perhaps you should do a better job in how minimizing or withholding sex all together will lead to a happy marriage? Or why marriage itself is the happy alternative to sleeping with different women?

That would be nice.

Oh, but then you say this is about COST. Sex is not worth the COST. I give you an example of how it cost me nothing to sit on a boulder.

No, you say, it's about your TIME.

I enjoyed my time talking to that women. Whats wrong with that?

"I could make money with that time!" , you argue back. Ironically, I give you an example of where I made some money having sex. Granted, that's not a normal situation for the majority of men, but there are many men out there, whom, like myself, already make good money. I'm more interested in a better work/life balance. Last thing I want to do now is devote more time to working more to make more money. I actually want to spend less time doing that.

"Well you're just dumb. You don't get what I'm saying.....", you quip.

But I do.

You're just not offering a congruent argument. You're saying whatever you need to say to protect the message.
I have you beat. I stay at home and make money off the stock market so I have a lot of time.
My main point was the dating market has become toxic so everyone need to be aware.
But I think you completely missed it. And that other guy too.

Instead you just makes up one BS accusation after another and I am not interested in arguing.
You wanna know why?
Because the COST for me to write a post out weights me caring.
P.S. I'm not bitter. I'm more annoyed then bitter.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I'm Glad you pointed that out.
No I'm not interested in a sex doll.
Why not? I don't use one because they might be possessed and their eyes might open on their own.

Speculator E said:
I prefer just porn and masturbation and it gets me off quick. It's cheap and doesn't take a lot of time to find good porn.
How do you define good porn and bad porn?


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
I think there are kernels of truth sprinkled in OP's post. The problem is that sex/women are a "trap" no more than anything is a "trap." The premise that dating women is a money sink that gives fleeting pleasure is really no different than a new home with a mortgage or a new car with a car payment. Typically, things that we derive pleasure from in this society cost time and/or money. But those things give us some type of satisfaction in return for the investment. Women are no different.

OP is no longer getting satisfaction from his investment in women. He feels it is pointless because just having sex no longer does it for him. Well, the pursuit of a woman (and hanging onto her if she is worth it) is not all about the sex. There are multiple facets to why it is exhilarating -- sometimes the pursuit to get her is just as satisfying as the sex. And if you are talking a meaningful LTR, the relationship can offer a number of benefits in addition to sex.

Again, kernels of truth in the OP. But the overall message of doom and gloom is a complete overreaction and he tries to project his own personal feelings onto men at large.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
But what you need to do is to start thinking of alternative strategies.
I understand it's a fact that men have sex drives and needs.
But what I'm want you to know is that today's sexual culture have made sex toxic.

Sex has become a trap for men.
Be prepared to lose if you want to keep playing this game with the rules heavily stacked against you.
Because the only way to win is to not play this game at all.
I would agree with you up until she turns around 27. Then the rules start changing towards the man’s favour. Her leverage weakens by the day.

Plus it’s not as toxic as it was 20 years ago, heck even 5 years ago. Now there is so much sex everywhere with the internet that it’s lost it’s lustre. Before it was kind of forbidden, kind of hidden, kind of sexy. Now it’s boring, it’s bland, it’s everywhere.

Women ruined their one “ace in the hole” by doing porn, being strippers, having sex before marriage. Men have to be able to take advantage of it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I would agree with you up until she turns around 27. Then the rules start changing towards the man’s favour. Her leverage weakens by the day.
Let's say that's true. How does that square with the idea many guys here promote, that you shouldn't date any girl over 25?