I used to do this. Not send flowers after a date, but a few years ago after being in a relationship for 9 years and "out of it" for a while, I would show up to a first date with a (small) few sprigs of jasmine, mini roses, or something else. The women did appreciate it.
As I continued to date, I found just how much things had changed. 80%+ of single women are on OLD, and they're trying to manage a job, sometimes kids, and dating 3-4 or more guys at a time. Ghosting and flakes were now the norm. Asking a woman out after a few OLD
message exchanges and then hearing nothing was very common (weighing so many options they cannot make up their mind). Most women I dated fizzled very fast, admittedly sometimes because I didn't like them, but more because no one really tries to make a relationship work anymore--because of all the choice on OLD (see Paradox of Choice).
After a year or two I changed my tune. No more flowers. My trigger point for BS is REALLY low now and I'll cut at the first infraction. I date women much younger--just to have se*x with them and then dump them. Occasionally, I'll try to date someone age appropriate but they act like 20 year olds on OLD; bathing in all the attention, compliments, and validation--which really f*ucks them up.
If lightening strikes and I do meet a woman who isn't an attention w*hore, great. The door is open. But based on MANY women I've dated over the past 3+ years (80+), 98% aren't worth more than a bit of my time and a quick lay. Wish it weren't that way, but it is.
So now I just see dating as a pass time and women as play-things. When I get bored, I get a new toy. It's really too bad. Wasn't this way before OLD and social media. Women largely have f*ucked themselves with their obsession with social media and OLD leading to their boorish behavior. Truth. Then they cry and b*itch with their mimosa buddies over brunch about the lack of "good men."
Sweetheart, all the "Good Men" bolted this sham A LONG time ago, lol. Good luck.
Today's women are fun to play with, anything more is a waste.