This is all good and very candid.
BUT... (and I've read some of Rollo's book, not all)
It does lead me to believe he has field tested very little of his own material, except on his wife. He said he became Red Pilled after he got married.
I'm not disagreeing with his principles as I agree with many/most of them. However, some of his teachings I don't find all that accurate and tend to drive men WAY down the Red Pill rabbit hole whereby they get very myopic and lose their ability to critically think. I read it on SS all the time.
It's is kind of like learning how to start/run/grow a business from an economics professor at a university who teaches from a theoretical perspective because he's never actually started or owned a business (I actually have a friend who does this).
Anyone else have this concern?
His Hypergamy theory which has many men believing in it, has basically turned more men into victims, psychologically feeding them the need to supplicate more to women in order to keep them around or going full retard with MGTOW.
If men were to think and act as apex predators, you think hypergamy exists?
Women will be used, 3 holes abused and long before she can even consider monkey branching, she's dismissed for a more younger entertaining replacement.
But marriage should occur when a man has done his deed of sowing the earth with his seed, to carry on his legacy via his sons, males that will carry on his Y chromosome down the line.
He should pass his knowledge, his culture, his wealth, his genetic strength to better secure the legacy he has placed on earth during his lifetime.
For that you men should ask urselfs, what have each and every men here has done to deserve a legacy?
Chasing women? Phulease...
Chase excellence, be a mother fvcking great man.