Well, if they see you online all day, then they must be online all day as well assuming it's not a bot. I see some good looking ones who are on like 10 hours a day on the site. Some like 16 hours a date but I think those are fake profiles set up because they're HB10s. HB10 wont be online 16 hours a day.
You have to send a lot of
message on OLD to get bites. If you send 3 half arse messages a week you wont get many replies when girls get 100 messages. I even asked my date and ones I talk to on OLD and asked them and they said they get bombarded and by all ages everyday. Heck a number of times they wont see your message if it falls back a few pages unless they have a lot of time to go back and read each one.
I don't know if it's like that everywhere but women I've talked to down here tell me they get bombarded on the sites by 100s of messages from all sorts of guys. PUA says men with strong profiles get about 5 percent response rate on OLD. It's like 10 to 1 on the sites men vs women. YOu really need to plug away at it and get out there and email. My messages that are marked "read" I'd say about an 8 percent reply rate I get back but I'm only messaging HB7 thru 10s mainly. I'm sure if I went lower it would be higher but I wont go lower even if it gets me more bites. The past 7 days on match and OKC I got 4 replies back out of about 15 messages read but I haven't been spending as much time on it and sending half arse messages too since I've been busy and this one I'm talking to texting now so it's cutting into my time.