This is very true. I find when the lady you're in a LTR with knows an ex or other ladies who are interested in you are hanging around, she has more interest and works for your attention. Example, the lady I am seeing now nows I run into two of my ex's once or twice a week; and both still have interest in me. She's very jealous of one of them.. It actually makes her (in her mind) work harder and prove herself. You need to develop an abundance mindset. If she seems to want to walk, you not only encourage it, but open the door for her. It's weird, but for the ladies, the opposite always happens. So, you need to think differently when handling them. After a while, you'll get the hang of it. Don't care too much. That's the best advice I can suggest. The more and more ladies I date, I seem to care less and less. Yes, the sex is good and I'd miss them if/when they leave, but I adhere to my one strike policy. It keeps them in line and shows I am higher value then them. Ultimately, that is what a lady wants to strive for.. The highest value and quality of life she can obtain for her and her potential offspring.