Yes....I know. Like you said......that's literally it.
And you see NO PROBLEM in all this?
In your first post,in the 4th paragraph,you said......
You said "chronic ghosting over and over". So I take it this wasn't the first time this happened.......
or the second
or the third.....
or 4th....5th,6th,etc,etc. So everywhere YOU go,"chronic ghosting" also shows up.
So the girl may be different,but it's the same guy (YOU) over and over again.
One time it might be "Susie",the next "Linda"....."Amanda","April",Lucy","Amber","Ginger","Melissa","Rachel"....on and on and on and may be a THOUSAND DIFFERENT GIRLS.....but the ONE CONSTANT......the ONE THING that NEVER CHANGES and is ALWAYS YOU. And when YOU are there,"chronic ghosting" isn't far behind. you think maybe the YOU? If this problem shows up everywhere YOU go,do you think it might be time to take a look at how YOU INTERACT with women and see if there's something YOU can change?
You keep seeming to want to blame the women,accusing them of "leading you on". Not every girl....just the ones YOU come in contact with. Every girl you try to talk to,"Oh.....well she led me on". you know you can't have a leader without a follower?
You're the MAN here......YOU should be leading. If EVERY GIRL you come in contact with seems to be "leading you on",maybe you ought to check your MANHOOD card.
Go check yourself for a second....have a look in the mirror. See if you can see what the rest of the forum CLEARLY SEES about you.
Every single woman I've been ghosted by had been around circumstances that were all fairly unique and different from one another.
In late April/Early May of this year I had been ghosted by a woman who I gone out with 3 times, not once but 3 times. I couldn't figure out what that was about so I gave up on women for a while. I feel that one was afraid of getting pumped and dumped, something just felt off about the whole thing.
In June, about a month ago, I went on my first ever tinder date, pretty sure I was pseudo catfished because she looked VERY different from the photos. I found her to be not just unappealing physical but painful to interact with, she ghosted me as well but I'm not really that shocked by that given how I clearly didn't want to be there lol.
In January of this year I had a woman ask me for my number when I was out for the night with my friends, she literally approached me and introduced herself and asked for my number with no interaction at all between us. A few days later we met up for a date, I wasn't all that into her but I still had a good time.....never heard back from her after that, which really wasn't a big deal.
Last fall/late summer I met a couple bitches at my gym that literally lead me on for no reason. One I had approached, talked to for a bit and then the next time she saw me she asked me out on a date that night. She flaked and I never heard back from her but she continued to approach me and flirt with me. For example- She was sitting on the leg press machine and she literally took my hand and put it on her thigh when we were discussing her yoga pants. Just an attention *****, she did that to tons of guys out here and is for real a psycho *****.....I could tell you a lot of stories about her that I've heard from other people lol.
The other woman I approached after she pseudo broke the ice with me. I asked for her number, which was when she told me she had a bf, so I just told her it was nice to meet her and left. Every single time she was there she would go out of her way to approach me, engage with me, etc. I asked her out a second time a couple months later, got turned down and then she stopped approaching me/talking to me, which is honestly what should have happened the first time I had asked her out.
June of last year I had gone out on a mini golfing date with a girl I had met when I was out with my friends for the night. We were at a bar and we ended up talking to one another for over an hour. She gives me her number and the very next day she had sent me all these
texts, so we made plans to meet up the following day when we were both available. On our date mini golfing I literally had my arms wrapped around her several times, plus I had a lot of fun. Never saw her again after that, though there were a couple briefs messages exchanged back and forth.
I've had a lot of more minor ones where I'd get numbers at a bar or some random chance encounters in every day life. Many of these would result in literally no response at all, which from what I've heard is actually pretty common, especially since the interactions I had with them were very brief.
For example- Last fall I was at the bank and briefly speaking with the female banker. Before I left I asked for her phone number, she hesitated at first but decided to give it to me. She texted me back right away but we never ended up going out.