Much of seduction is focused on getting a girl to sleep with you as quickly as possible. I have found that i become depressed when a girl sleeps with me quickly. This is because i know that it will not usually work out. Girls that sleep with men very quickly are usually very impulsive. Easy come....easy go. Their interest in you was quick and intense. Just like that they will be able to become emotionally frigid. This is especially true if they dont run into you at all in their everyday existence.
This is a moral code issue. Keep in mind that you are viewing from your viewpoint. Thus there is a lot a personal interpretation in it. I've experienced this feeling of her having less value after sex as well.
So tackle it one part at a time...Your moral code: If she sleeps with me right away = she does this a lot and thus she is low value. (from your viewpoint and belief system)
This can and does reflect in how you interact with her from that point on. The women can interpret a phenomenal amount of social cues almost instantaneously. Her going cold can most definitely be a reflection of what you are thinking of her as your moral code and beliefs about her will reflect back. She doesn't have the analytical power that you have so this is her "tool bag" to survive.
So you reflect back to her that she is a low value tramp. She will immediately introvert and become self conscious. If you wanted to see her again, you can't do this. I see a lot of interpretation from your moral lens in your post. I am not against any moral code. Just remember that you are in control of this and not her. She absolutely cannot help what she feels when your interpretation of her reflects back to her. Accept responsibility that you created this. What you do is your choice. If you are leading of course.
There is nothing wrong with manhandling her a little bit. If you want to see her again then pull her up off the bed and yank her into you and kiss her and TELLING her you want to see her again. A woman does like the feeling of being "owned". Not smothered or stupid SIMP stuff. Help her put those panties back on and spank that a$$ when you get them up. Keep in mind, when I do things like that it's genuine. She wants to be that "princess" that the dark knight takes. Feeling powerless against him makes her feel appreciated.
Of course this is a matter of frame. I've read a lot of posts going back pretty far in the short time I've been here and there seems to be some flashback about using the word "frame". Well, you tell me what word best fits. So because frame is way overused and the concept is difficult to internalize, lets try something new. I thought of a way to communicate it...
The relationship goes from you to her not from her to you. It's a flow thing. being raised in the Feminine Imperative you are wanting the "flow" to go from her to you so that you can adjust and operate correctly, you are reactionary, you are doing it wrong. This is
HIGHLY submissive. It's not even what a woman wants.
That is a relinquish of masculine power. Believe me...I've lived more than a few years thinking that life flowed in the direction from woman to man because of the way I was raised and the influences of the Feminine Imperative. Just look how women are acting. They are reversing the flow due to influences of socialist/communist influences. Feminism
IS the influences of the Bolsheviks. Their idea, theoretically is to achieve a baseline where there is a flow from feminine to masculine. Actually there is no intent from them to help women in the least. It's about wrecking the foundation of family, pair bonding and individualism. You may not see this now, and many wont, but its true. Nothing going on today is an accident.
Life flows from you to her. That's frame. The only reason she is there to start with is you started off with life flowing from you to her. Men give life. Some say being sarcastic and making her laugh is a good tactic. Well you are giving her life.
A woman doesn't grow a child from immaculate conception. A man gives it life. Men give women life. I know that this is a completely inverted way of thinking and I wouldn't use it unless it were true. Command is flow. It flows out and down to her. This is what she can trust and will willing submit herself to it. When you send a is a command. If you haven't reversed the flow in any of your interactions, she will come.