Much of seduction is focused on getting a girl to sleep with you as quickly as possible. I have found that i become depressed when a girl sleeps with me quickly. This is because i know that it will not usually work out. Girls that sleep with men very quickly are usually very impulsive. Easy come....easy go. Their interest in you was quick and intense. Just like that they will be able to become emotionally frigid. This is especially true if they dont run into you at all in their everyday existence.
9/10 times a girl that sleeps with you the first night is not emotionally stable. Even girls that sleep with you within the first few encounters are not emotionally stable. They always have some catch. This sucks because it takes a long time for a guy to get good enough to even have a girl sleep with him early. All of the manosphere advice encourages this.
The ideal situation is a girl that shows consistent high interest, but has the emotional maturity to gradually escalate the physicality. These are the girls that stick around the longest. But they are also the rarest.
Now when i sleep with a girl very quickly i become depressed while laying the bed. This is because i know that this will not last ( this was not true say 10 yrs ago). She is either BPD, or she is very emotionally capricious and impulsive. These are not good traits. Now there are exceptions and i have found them. But this is rare.
If they are emotionally healthy and they sleep with you early they often get buyers remorse and feel guilty. They will then ignore your
texts even if you are a great guy. Its like you cant win. The game is rigged. If you sleep with them too soon you lose. You sleep with them too lose. You dont sleep with them at really lose. I am just about done. Maybe MGTOW guys where not so crazy after all.