Generally speaking, most younger women will have an "Eww, old guy" reaction to the thought of older men. However, even for these girls, there are exceptions. I would wager nearly all those girls would be able to name an older man that they consider hot, even if it's just a celebrity. Point is, if you're the right guy, the age won't matter.
I agree. In high school my varsity soccer coach was hot. HOT. He was happily married to my English teacher (she was very fit & pretty). So a number of us thought our coach was attractive and he was in his 40s.
Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying, and if you are an outlier through looks, power or whatever that’s great, you will have better results, and that’s what folks around here aspire to.
The oil & gas businessman I met the other night was a powerful man AND a high status, high class man.
But I come from an affluent background and do well myself. So I’m accustomed to that type of man. Attraction & desire are important to me. I did not have any desire whatsoever toward him. He was educated, interesting, cultured, sophisticated, powerful etc. He was too old. Period.
I’m older, obviously but I’m an outlier myself. When 20 something year old bouncers check my ID (and see my birth year), and they do a double take & say “No Way, WOW” I just smile.
I have no issue attracting younger men. My BF is younger by 2 years (and very handsome).
Generally I’d rather date someone my own age or a little older. This current relationship is the first one with someone younger, and he isn’t much younger at all. I’ve been out with men who are 5 years younger, but much beyond that I lose interest. I require a man who can lead me and therefore someone with a similar amount of life experience.
So all the assumptions about me being unattractive are silly.
That avatar is me. My current BF took the it’s recent.