American women suck

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
It doesn't take long for overseas women to become north americanized once you get them here and they start living the culture. Friends of mine they have thai and phillipino women brought them back to Canada in a few years the women have changed.

I find it funny when women say they can't find themselves a good man I think to myself maybe you should be looking at yourself. friend married a mail-order Brazilian some 15ish years ago. He let her work in the local town and now she's just as snooty as the worst locals. Kicking himself for it now.
I think it best to stay over there with them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
I forgot who said this here but he said that if you can’t get women in your own region then that’s your fault.

I agree with that statement.

I went from getting nobody to 4-6’s, to 7-8’s. The girl I’m seeing now is an 8.5 and my friend with benefits is easily a 7.

Social media has put a dent in everyone but it’s actually a lot easier if you know how to use it- especially text game.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
I forgot who said this here but he said that if you can’t get women in your own region then that’s your fault.
Only your own fault if you intend to go after American women in your region. Or any other westernized region.

Old thread, but this topic is still very important.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Only your own fault if you intend to go after American women in your region. Or any other westernized region.

Old thread, but this topic is still very important.
5 years later.

Not only did shyte get worse, by now the virus is seeping into mentioned countries as well. I heard that by now you can't "just" go to the Philippines and pick up women because its over saturated with desperate western men.

It won't be long until a generation of wealthy, powerful, but yet "undesirable" men will stand up and change the laws. Yes, I'm talking women won't be allowed to work, vote, dress inappropriate ect ect. Basically sharia laws will be implemented in the west just to keep our lineages alive.

It seems that in 2nd and 3rd world countries they understand this much better. We say" I don't wanna have kids in this evil world " while they say; "get AS MANY KIDS as possible so we can rule the world" and seemingly everyone there gets it.

Unfortunately I have concluded that feminization will eventually destroy a nation.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Most of you guys reading this probably are going to think I’m an angry guy that doesn’t get laid but I’ve been with a ton of women in my life. I date women in the states,...but only because my life is here.

It wasn’t until I traveled the world that I realized most women in the US really ****ing suck. They are selfish, entitled, narcissists.

I can find drop dead beautiful woman in so many other countries like Brazil, Germany, Israel, Italy etc. Without the entitled and selfishness that the women in the states possess.

I encourage my fellow Don Juan’s to travel the world and really see what’s out there. Go to different countries and bang beautiful women overseas. See how submissive the women are and how beautiful they are. It will only help your game with women out here I promise. I am fortunate enough that my girl here in the states deleted her social media but this is rare. 99% of the young girls here are not worth dating
I don't disagree with OP, I lived in Europe for 10 years and it's night and day compared to America. The thing is with foreign women you get real feminine energy do all foreign women act like this of course not. A lot of men deal with bad behavior in hopes of smashing but the average American woman is far from feminine. You know it's true what i'm saying when you have "Female Dating Coaches" trying to teach women how ot be feminie. Which if you really think about it is wild that women have to learn to be femineine when it should be in their nature

IMO if you are an American guy and struggling and wanna get married, go overseas and stay there, but a lot of guys frustrated chasing after masculine women when if they went overseas they could get a far better version of said woman!


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
I don't disagree with OP, I lived in Europe for 10 years and it's night and day compared to America. The thing is with foreign women you get real feminine energy do all foreign women act like this of course not. A lot of men deal with bad behavior in hopes of smashing but the average American woman is far from feminine. You know it's true what i'm saying when you have "Female Dating Coaches" trying to teach women how ot be feminie. Which if you really think about it is wild that women have to learn to be femineine when it should be in their nature

IMO if you are an American guy and struggling and wanna get married, go overseas and stay there, but a lot of guys frustrated chasing after masculine women when if they went overseas they could get a far better version of said woman!
Women teaching others how to be feminine is more of a "you should start acting this way if you want men again" phenomenon. Like a shepard trying to herd the sheep. But as long as people like Beyonce and Cardi B exists, it won't happen so quickly. The only way to put women back in their place in america is if we had an actual war on home soil. Or a literal regime rose that banned women from voting and working.