Your opinions on MGTOW/Red Pill?


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2019
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Hi guys.

Recently, I have been really anxious and lost from so many mgtow/red pill videos I have seen. I have heard so many horror stories about relationships, "truths" about female nature (hypergamy, women don't actually care about you unless you can provide them something, etc.) And that game doesn't exist (so if I'm short and not best looking guy in world, I'm ****ed)

What is your opinion on their teachings?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Hi guys.

Recently, I have been really anxious and lost from so many mgtow/red pill videos I have seen. I have heard so many horror stories about relationships, "truths" about female nature (hypergamy, women don't actually care about you unless you can provide them something, etc.) And that game doesn't exist (so if I'm short and not best looking guy in world, I'm ****ed)

What is your opinion on their teachings?
I don't know. All I can say is my ex-wife thrashed the marriage because I could not really provide for her based on her expectations of what she expected me to provide and basically wiped-out any love-aspect of getting married in the first place in the space of two months. She was not a materialistic type of women and impressed my folks, in particularly my mother, who is a devout Christian, close to the Lord about her simple spirit. So if someone like her could mess up a marriage because of issues that are proposed by MGTOW then what can I say?

Prior to her I had an ex-gf. When we broke-up she never fought for the relationship and moved on too quickly, yet just before we broke-up we had planned to marry each other and she was expecting the wedding to take place very soon. Again, felt used on some level by that set-up.

Then again, most people will say that a woman's love, and a mother's love are two different types of loves. Even good PUA/DJ's in here will not trust any woman unconditionally, have a Disney romance fantasy about women, or believe a woman's love will equal that of his mothers.

I still do not necessarily subscribe to MGTOW teachings because I really don't have enough experience or traction with women to make a conclusion about whether it is true or not or to worry about such things. A source of worldly happiness is being with someone you love and it does hit some high notes that you'll miss out on if you get too negative about it.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2019
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Red pill = Letting nothing stop you from climbing Mount Everest
Blue pill = Complaining to everyone about the height of Mount Everest

It's about your goals. It's about you. It's not about women. Women are only a distraction to your goals and women should never be your goals.
How about MGTOW and it's teachings?


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
Hi guys.

Recently, I have been really anxious and lost from so many mgtow/red pill videos I have seen. I have heard so many horror stories about relationships, "truths" about female nature (hypergamy, women don't actually care about you unless you can provide them something, etc.) And that game doesn't exist (so if I'm short and not best looking guy in world, I'm ****ed)

What is your opinion on their teachings?
Hi pal. No one really knows the answers to the whole game not even experts at psychology and evolutionary psychology and anthropology. But one thing I’ll tell you stick to this site. Read a lot. Never trust a women. **** them so good that they won’t forget you. At the end of the day our bodies are controlled by emotions and chemicals. Always keep that in mind to do with attraction etc. Good looks do set off chemical reactions in the body for pleasure it’s a major player.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
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There are many truth's in MGTOW, it's a great knowledge base on female nature. That said it's also a place for bitter men to vent their feelings. But lets face it, you never know a woman before you divorce her.. and society is completely biased against men. We need to protect ourselves, and that's where this knowledge comes in handy. It also gives you a clear idea what women you should avoid, and give you more self esteem, for this process.. but humans are meant to pair bond, so to go 100% MGTOW is a hard choice. I'm very thankful for MGTOW, they are a great inspiration for self improvement and self protection... and they help you see that women don't belong on the pedestal that society place them on

Truth's hurts sometimes
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Don Juan
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
There are many truth's in MGTOW, it's a great knowledge base on female nature. That said it's also a place for bitter men to vent their feelings. But lets face it, you never know a woman before you divorce her.. and society is completely biased against men. We need to protect ourselves, and that's where this knowledge comes in handy. It also gives you a clear idea what women you should avoid, and give you more self esteem, for this process.. but humans are meant to pair bond, so to go 100% MGTOW is a hard choice. I'm very thankful for MGTOW, they are a great inspiration for self improvement and self protection... and they help you see that women don't belong on the pedestal that society place them on

Truth's hurts sometimes
So they are correct about hypergamy, that women don't actually care about you unless you can provide them something, etc. And that game doesn't exist?


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hi guys.

Recently, I have been really anxious and lost from so many mgtow/red pill videos I have seen. I have heard so many horror stories about relationships, "truths" about female nature (hypergamy, women don't actually care about you unless you can provide them something, etc.) And that game doesn't exist (so if I'm short and not best looking guy in world, I'm ****ed)

What is your opinion on their teachings?
The truth is that you're cramming too much content and MGTOW philosophy and wasting your life away. Make a decision on how you want to be as a person with women and gain life experience. Yes women are hypergamous, but do you really want to buy a sex doll? You're smarter then that. Date women bang them and move on. You don't have to fall in love or worry about it


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
So they are correct about hypergamy, that women don't actually care about you unless you can provide them something, etc. And that game doesn't exist?
As he said we are a pair bond species. We are built to focus on one person at a time through the chemicals we have in our body. The sex drive is built to look at a range of people and select the best ones. Love is to focus on that one person and attachment is built long enough to raise a child into the world. Women do care about you. Don’t go thinking women only care about what you do for them and provide for them because sometimes that isn’t the case. Game exists. It’s becoming your best self in every way possible.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
Reaction score
So they are correct about hypergamy, that women don't actually care about you unless you can provide them something, etc. And that game doesn't exist?
It's called briffault's law..

Hypergamy is female nature.

That being said she want a beta provider, and alpha for 6

Yes you can game / pua, but only for so long

LTR / marriage / grow old together is like winning the lottery. Only very few do today


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
As he said we are a pair bond species. We are built to focus on one person at a time through the chemicals we have in our body. The sex drive is built to look at a range of people and select the best ones. Love is to focus on that one person and attachment is built long enough to raise a child into the world. Women do care about you. Don’t go thinking women only care about what you do for them and provide for them because sometimes that isn’t the case. Game exists. It’s becoming your best self in every way possible.
I'm just little worried about this because of these videos:

(Yeah, I watch these WAY too much)

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Don Juan
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
It's called briffault's law..

Hypergamy is female nature.

That being said she want a beta provider, and alpha for 6

Yes you can game / pua, but only for so long

LTR / marriage / grow old together is like winning the lottery. Only very few do today
Could I have better chance in LTR if I combaine both worlds.
Like, both being that alpha (confident, assertive, dominant, etc.) while also having positive sides of beta (security, trustworthiness, loyality, kindness, etc.)?


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
Could I have better chance in LTR if I combaine both worlds.
Like, both being that alpha (confident, assertive, dominant, etc.) while also having positive sides of beta (security, trustworthiness, loyality, kindness, etc.)?
If you reach the LTR stage with a girl and stay the same person yeah. What got you the girl keeps you the girl but just don’t slack and let your emotions and love for them make you do stupid ****(harder said than done) Your looking way to much into this.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Hi guys.

What is your opinion on their teachings?
There's the parable of the sower. The story is ancient like the Egyptian pyramids. Everything you do, read, see, and live is not without consequences. It seeds truths and it warps reality. It is the same thing that ler us here in tge first place.

Both are correct but, mgtow and trp taje diff approaches. Both see hypergamy and the cesspool of the dating market. Mgtow switch off and checkout. Trp think you can hack it knowing that truth.

Rollos RM is one of the best pieces of literature in the world today on female nature. It offers nothing with respect to applications nor does being married before MySpace let alone tinder offer a full landscape of **** that is modern dating. Even married, rollo offers insights that are so groubd breaking in terms of evolutionary biology and females nature; alpha wifiw widow etc. You then have cucks like Steve the dean who again has a opinion on game but is a married dating coach long before the 1st macintosh computer lololol one of the rmg guys married a woman who cucked him. Like wtf?

There's a lot of difference between Stardust or RBK and say undeadchronic. TFM is smart but ****ing a doll is not a solution. I like happy hermit and his vid afyer the collapse. He's one of the better young men.

I prefer pickup to be honest but, I don't marry or cohabitation ever. I got black pilled by pickup. I see female nature as it is. Not how I wish it were. I act accordingly. Smash or next. Repeat. New girls are turning 18 19 20 21 every day.

OP, at the end of the day, all meaning is man made. Read Existentialism From Dostoevsky To Sartre. I pray, i meditate, and I am for the best. I explore consciousness, i seek self-knowledge, and I will pursue self actualization.

The serenity prayer is OG. Do your best. Change what you can. Leave the rest to God. Repeat.

Rsd Tyler went on about how we're permeable membranes. You must guard your eyes, mind, body, soul.

What you intake is key. Moreover, pull from every source and then make a informed decision about how to live your life.

Atm, cut away from the channel, the content, and go into solitude. Meditate. I trip balls. The deviation in the Big Five (OCEAN) particularly openness increases.

Atm, you sound neurotic so, i don't recommend that nor do i suggest mgtow or rer pill content. Or just limit it to getting girls then seek content.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
If you reach the LTR stage with a girl and stay the same person yeah. What got you the girl keeps you the girl but just don’t slack and let your emotions and love for them make you do stupid ****(harder said than done) Your looking way to much into this.
Too much this +1

Being 'That Guy' is the DJ path. Its the Hero's Journey.

Its marked by obstacles and challenges.

Obviously, go get baeees. Ironically enough, its not even about any 1 girl but rather, cultivation of Being. The pursuit of the best version of yourself (self knowledge, consciousness, etc). The bullseye is self actualization.

The girl no matter how hot is another brick in the wall. Its for sport. Its a by product of the journey. All meaning is man made.

A man can choose to play house after (if he dares to choose the path) or play catch and release. I choose the latter path.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
Too much this +1

Being 'That Guy' is the DJ path. Its the Hero's Journey.

Its marked by obstacles and challenges.

Obviously, go get baeees. Ironically enough, its not even about any 1 girl but rather, cultivation of Being. The pursuit of the best version of yourself (self knowledge, consciousness, etc). The bullseye is self actualization.

The girl no matter how hot is another brick in the wall. Its for sport. Its a by product of the journey. All meaning is man made.

A man can choose to play house after (if he dares to choose the path) or play catch and release. I choose the latter path.
Well, each to their own, but another thing is that I'm still a virgin and in a way I don't want to waste my first ****ing on one night stand (yeah sounds bit girly, but it's my preference)


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2016
Reaction score
Spokane, Wa
There's the parable of the sower. The story is ancient like the Egyptian pyramids. Everything you do, read, see, and live is not without consequences. It seeds truths and it warps reality. It is the same thing that ler us here in tge first place.

Both are correct but, mgtow and trp taje diff approaches. Both see hypergamy and the cesspool of the dating market. Mgtow switch off and checkout. Trp think you can hack it knowing that truth.

Rollos RM is one of the best pieces of literature in the world today on female nature. It offers nothing with respect to applications nor does being married before MySpace let alone tinder offer a full landscape of **** that is modern dating. Even married, rollo offers insights that are so groubd breaking in terms of evolutionary biology and females nature; alpha wifiw widow etc. You then have cucks like Steve the dean who again has a opinion on game but is a married dating coach long before the 1st macintosh computer lololol one of the rmg guys married a woman who cucked him. Like wtf?

There's a lot of difference between Stardust or RBK and say undeadchronic. TFM is smart but ****ing a doll is not a solution. I like happy hermit and his vid afyer the collapse. He's one of the better young men.

I prefer pickup to be honest but, I don't marry or cohabitation ever. I got black pilled by pickup. I see female nature as it is. Not how I wish it were. I act accordingly. Smash or next. Repeat. New girls are turning 18 19 20 21 every day.

OP, at the end of the day, all meaning is man made. Read Existentialism From Dostoevsky To Sartre. I pray, i meditate, and I am for the best. I explore consciousness, i seek self-knowledge, and I will pursue self actualization.

The serenity prayer is OG. Do your best. Change what you can. Leave the rest to God. Repeat.

Rsd Tyler went on about how we're permeable membranes. You must guard your eyes, mind, body, soul.

What you intake is key. Moreover, pull from every source and then make a informed decision about how to live your life.

Atm, cut away from the channel, the content, and go into solitude. Meditate. I trip balls. The deviation in the Big Five (OCEAN) particularly openness increases.

Atm, you sound neurotic so, i don't recommend that nor do i suggest mgtow or rer pill content. Or just limit it to getting girls then seek content.
watched the seminar when tyler said that, his "personnel boundarie" video. made right after his bpd breakup.

video is taken down now sadly.

he basicley said in simple words mainstream culture is fvcking evil and fvcking disgusting, and even being around it will influence you heavily without you even knowing.

mgtow and redpill make 100% legit arguments that are real, but like anything else its real within a paradigm.

if you elevate your paradigm the issues of mainstream culture are childs play.

only hang out and engage with people who are smart and know wtf is up


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
Reaction score
Could I have better chance in LTR if I combaine both worlds.
Like, both being that alpha (confident, assertive, dominant, etc.) while also having positive sides of beta (security, trustworthiness, loyality, kindness, etc.)?
It's a acomplishment if you can make girl stick around more than a few years. Yes confident is very important, pass her **** test's, make her trust you, and if she feel safe, also dependent of the woman's (need) to feel emotions, you have to give her, some emotional bull s too.. men are stable creatures, women are emotional... that's why they love the drama's in tv series.. that sh!t is torture for a man.

MGTOW can help you with pit fall's, sh!t test, and keep your own safety intact. And you see trough the bull of female nature.. so you can handle her better

Just don't go bitter with the knowledge, a little red pill rage is normal. Don't be a oppersit femisist

Remember no one is perfect, and you grow together with time


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Yes women are hypergamous, but do you really want to buy a sex doll? You're smarter then that. Date women bang them and move on. You don't have to fall in love or worry about it
MTGOW doesn't promote buying sex dolls though. They are promoting exactly what you are writing about. If you have that attitude to pump and dump then you've already given up that there are good girls out there worth marrying and building a family with.


Mar 19, 2019
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For better or for worse, these schools of thought are of minor importance in impacting actual behavior. It's just too difficult for most people to swim upstream.

I don't like saying this given the popularity of redpill and mgtow on this forum, but guys attracted to these two types of philosophies are often not very successful by any standard in dating.

I tend to advocate that guys find a happy balance. Don't give up on dating (mgtow). But belief in some magic pill or adopting a delusional level of confidence (looks don't matter) will likely be futile as well. Instead, invest your time wisely, in a focused manner. This means reaching your potential in health, appearance and resources, and seeking out women in situations which are highly favorable to you. This does NOT include online dating for the most part, but finding social outlets where there is a large supply of women with the characteristics you are looking for. This is actually shockingly easy and I remain amazed that most guys either make very little effort in their dating life or choose the most difficult paths to dating possible. It's a head scratcher for sure.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
MTGOW doesn't promote buying sex dolls though. They are promoting exactly what you are writing about. If you have that attitude to pump and dump then you've already given up that there are good girls out there worth marrying and building a family with.
Who said I gave up? I'm a loner by nature before MGTOW was mainstream or even invented. There probably is good women out there, the chances are most of us will likely find or keep one, although it's a rare possibility. Turd flinging monkey and other channels have brought up the idea of sex dolls