I talk to people and I focus 100% on them (talk like they are the only person in the world), I make sure I want absolutely nothing out of the encounter (empty all agendas) and I let the interaction happen as naturally and as slowly as possible. This goes in line with the wanting nothing out of the encounter - when you focus on just being yourself and being natural, you're way way more likable
I've had like 5 conversations with people in the last week or so (2 girls who went to high school with me - they're married so neither one is dateable, 4 other dudes) and literally all of them asked for my number and wanted to be my friend. I've been good at talking to people and making friends for a long time but right now I would put my social skills up there with anybody. I can make people like me immensely and very very quickly.
...despite this knowledge, I'm still absolutely terrified of approaching attractive women in terms of dating. I still feel like they're an alien species with completely impossible standards who will never like me unless I'm impossibly perfect in every way. /facepalm
pls never stop being social weirdo